After the 12-18months of weight loss,can the lap band be

   — ROBERT G. (posted on August 10, 2003)

August 10, 2003
Your question was cut off. Do you mean can it be removed? Wouldn't you gain your weight back then?
   — mrsmyranow

August 10, 2003
Hi Robert- The end of your question disappeared, but I'm guessing you're asking if the after 12-18 months, can the lap band be removed? We were just discussing that at my last WLS support meeting. The nutritionist said that some people had complications with the lap band and needed it to be removed. However, she said that tissue often surrounds the lap band, literally making it part of the body. She said that it can be done, but it's a very risky surgery. This is all according to the nutritionist, so I really don't know, and depending if I anticipated your question correctly, hope it helps :o) Good Luck, Mea
   — Mea A.

August 10, 2003
The band is anchored to the stomach by pulling part of the stomach over the band and suturing it. There's no trauma, so there's no reason for adhesions to form and as far as I know, stomach tissue doesn't just start to form spontaneously, so I don't know where the nutritionist got her info.<B> Robert, if you question was can the band be removed after weight loss, the answer is that it's not advisable.
   — TMF

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