has anyone taken the anti-deppressant, lexapro?

wanted to know anyones thoughts or experiences with this fairly new anti depressant. how well it worked? any info is much appreciated!    — JOY C. (posted on August 23, 2003)

August 22, 2003
I took it for 5 days. it totally freaked me out. i was like a walking zombie. i couldn't concentrate or function. good luck..
   — candymom64

August 23, 2003
Hi, I have not taken it, my daughter has and for depression it did zip, nada, nothing. My psychiatrist says she is not fond of it especially for depression. She said it is the least effective of all the SSRI's. But, it seems like some Dr.'s really want to push it since I believe it used to be Serzone and they re did the formula without a molecule that caused so many side effects. I can give you more info I know on it if you want to email me anytime. Take Care.
   — Karen Renee

August 23, 2003
Hi, I have been on a lot of anti depressants in the last 10 yrs and they all seem to have of whelming side effects on me I either felt numb, drunk,dizzy,spaced out etc. I have started another one since June '03 Wellbutrin sr and it is amazing the only side effects I've had is my hands are shaky and thats a matter of adjusting the dose, now I'm finally feeling like normal. ( it has also made me lose interests in eating, I forget to eat until sinner time,food doesn't task as good,that's good for me i'mat emotion eater). Good luck I hope you find something you like. Jennifer
   — Jennifer R.

August 23, 2003
Hello. I am currently taking Wellbutrin SR and Lexapro. I feel great. I was taking the Wellbutrin only for a while and was very nervous. Taking both makes me feel like I can be myself. It is different for everyone, it just depends on how you react to it. Now that I've been taking it I wouldn't think of giving it up. It seems for the first time in 29 years I feel like myself.
   — AmyWollet

August 23, 2003
I've been on Lexapro now for about 6-8 months. It works great for me. Someone said that it did nothing for them and it got me thinking that the reason it may work good for me is that I am highly sensitive to drugs of any type so if they is a milder antideppresant, that is why it agrees with me. I know everyone reacts a different way to meds,but for me it is good!!
   — Corrina B.

August 23, 2003
I am still pre-op but have been taking lexapro for almost a year, it works fine for usually has no side effects, that is pretty rare. So give it a try everyone is different!
   — Saxbyd

August 23, 2003
I took Lexapro for a while. It's milder than Paxil and Zoloft which had terrible side effects for me. The only side effect I had with Lexapro was that it made me sleepy. It also made me VERY uninterested in food, but that may have been because of the WLS.
   — Angie M.

August 23, 2003
I started taking Lexapro in December of 2002, and it made me very tired. So my doctor put me on Provigil and Lexapro, and together they work great.
   — Amanda B.

August 24, 2003
Although I end up taking little cat naps or power naps (and I never used to be able to nap), I love my Lexapro. Without it, I would never have made the decision to go ahead with WLS. Within a month of starting it, I was able to feel like I was alive again and ready to make goals again. It has made all the difference for me in my life. But again, your mileage may vaaary.
   — Susan R.

August 24, 2003
I have been taking Lexapro for about 4 months and I feel great. It only took about 2 weeks to feel some effects of the medication and then after about another 3 weeks I felt a lot better. My doctor gradually increased the doseage. The only side effect that I experienced was a headache and light headedness and my doctor said that was do to not eating enough. Also, they recommend to take it in the morning but, I couldn't, it made me very sick so my doctor said to try it at different times of the day so now I take it in the evening. If you have any questions about it, you should ask your doctor. My brother is on paxil, and doing great but my doctor said he didn't want to put me on it because it effects people differently so he suggested Lexapro. Just to let you know I've tried Celexa (Lexapro is one part of what Celexa was)and I've tried Wellbutrin SR. Lexapro is the only one that has worked for me. On Wellbutrin I was having anxiety attacks.
   — Marion W.

August 25, 2003
Hi Joy.....I'm bi-polar and have been on a gammit of meds. that would choke a horse. I started taking Lexapro in conjuction with Lamictal and I feel better than I have in years. I thank God for my meds but remember everyone reacts differently to differents meds exspecially anti-depressants so give it a week or two & if its not working for you try another one. I suggest keeping a short note daily of how your doing. There are lots of drugs out there if its not this one keep looking If I can find one I'm sure you can too. God Bless!!!! Angi
   — Angi S.

August 25, 2003
My son takes wellbutrin for depression and lexapro for social anxiety disorder. He's had no side effects from the lexapro, and it has worked like a charm to "brighten" him up and help him play with other kids with less anxiety. I've been very pleased with the results.
   — Kathy J.

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