
   — KIM W. (posted on September 9, 2003)

September 9, 2003
Any type of abdominal surgery can result in adhesions (scar tissue) which can cause an obstruction as the bowel can get "kinked" or wrapped in or around the adhesion. There's nothing you can do to prevent them, and they can happen anytime, even years after surgery.
   — mom2jtx3

September 9, 2003
I just got home from having emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction. In my case, the intestines had herniated and twisted at the RNY attachement site and then scar tissue developed around it, squeezing it shut. Pain was SEVERE and came on suddenly and without warning. The doctor said that there was nothing that I did to cause it. Sometimes it just happens and that it can happen again at any time. I am 11 weeks out from my Lap RNY surgery and hoping to not have surgery again for a long time.
   — Holly M.

September 9, 2003
I just came home from a 5 day stay in the hospital from a small obstruction or kink in the lower intestines, near the bowel. Right at 3rd week post-op I couldn't keep anything down. I was one day on pureed foods and couldn't keep that down. From Thurs to Mon I threw up everything, which was accompanied by what felt like severe heartburn. Mon I went to the hospital and was severely dehydrated. After much fluid by IV, nothing to eat, and a few GI tests, the problem seemed to be cleared up. Back on clear liquids on Sat, and got to come home. Back to the start with clear liquids, etc. Of course I'm now feeling much better, and my food cravings are there. I just want some pasta, or tuna, or something other than just liquids. But I gotta do what I gotta do. Surgery date 8/12/03, 311/276.
   — Marika M.

September 9, 2003
I had what they called an "internal hernia." It came on suddenly (I mean suddenly, one minute I was walking down the street and the next I was doubled over in pain crying). My doc said it can happen because you loose all the weight and as your body adjusts your intestines are floating around in there and they can herniate. Along with having some scar tissue, it just plain can happen. If it happens to you, get to a hospital pronto. It can be life threatening.
   — sandieguy

September 10, 2003
I had a bowel obstruction right after my surgery-- my intestine was twisted. I had my open rny on 4-21, bowel obstruction on 4-25. I was vomiting, severe cramps, pain, and couldn't even hold down liquids. My surgeon said that there is nothing to prevent it, it is listed as a surgical complication (less than 3% get one from the surgery), and it can happen to anyone at any time. More details in my profile.
   — Angela G.

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