how long will you keep losing?

I would like to know how long will I keep losing wight? I have lose 96lbs. Which is super but I would like to lose 40lbs. I had a RNY 10/05 . How long after will you keep losing? Thank you!    — bntfive (posted on August 10, 2006)

August 10, 2006
That depends on each person. My weight loss tapered off around the one year mark and slowed down quite a bit. However, I am not quite 2.5 years out and continue to edge downwards. I would like to lose another 20-30 lbs. It has taken me about a year to lose the last 10 lbs I have lost, but I haven't applied myself as much as I could have. At some point it is all up to us, so from here on out, I'd recommend applying your best efforts. It does get harder the more time goes on...
   — Dinka Doo

August 10, 2006
It's really individual and probably depends on how much you have to lose to begin with, how well you eat and your metabolism. Having said that, I still lost weight after 18 months, just much slower. I lost 101 pounds in the first six months, 60 in the second 6 months and 30 in the second year. Since you lost 96 lbs in less than a year, I think that losing 40 in the next year is completely feasible.
   — sandsonik

August 11, 2006
Patricia, You will find that every "BODY" is different... Most of us lose the most of our weight in the first year. Please find balance as well as getting the proper nutrition and protein in... It is very easy to understand your body... It is also very important to understand that we MUST learn not to abuse the tool we have been blessed to have. I abused my tool and gained much weight back... I found MY solution to my problem, it was my head... I now love the new me... It is all about Nutrition and learning how to balance foods and remaining teachable. I now work with many people to help them understand that this was not BRAIN SURGERY we went through. it is an Obese Mind that did put us at the end of our ropes to go through with this new tool called Weight Loss Surgery... Check out the September issue of OH magazine for amazing transformations! Keep your personal development working for you every day...It is about who you become... It is very easy TO DO...And very easy NOT TO DO! You must learn how to control your thoughts of food. Remember one thing... "FOR THINGS TO CHANGE YOU HAVE TO CHANGE" ~ " FOR THINGS TO GET BETTER YOU HAVE TO GET BETTER" In hopes that you can find that "WHY" Hugs, Celeste Momin Ormond Beach Florida 2005 All South Figure Competitor from 327 to 140 to 198 to 125 Now maintaining my weight @ 130 pounds with a very lean body, most of all I am very healthy! Much respect... Celeste
   — shakeyourweight

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