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Hi, my name is Cleo and I am having my surgery on 7/30(lap band). I am very excited but still very nervous and scared. I am just looking for support I guess. I've read a lot of the postings and everyone here seems to really be nice and understanding. I would appreciate any advice given. Thanks....Cleo    — mscleo (posted on July 19, 2007)

July 19, 2007
Hey! Congrulations on your up coming surgery. Im six months out and I have lost 90lbs. I have 55 more pounds I would like to lose. My doctor said yesterday he thinks I could lose another 25 to 45 pounds in the next six months. I had lap gastric bypass. I feel so much better. A month after surgery I could tell the biggest difference in my breathing. Alot of the health issues I had before surgery has gone away. And hey my looks are not too bad either! lol! I always try to think postive about surgery but still kept in mind that their are risk of having surgery. I just knew in my heart this is what I needed to do. I had no doubts. I did do over a year research and I guess that help me alot. The only problem I had is the first month after surgery. All I could have the first 2 weeks was protein shakes, sugar free jello and sugar free popsicles. Then the next two weeks the same but I was able to have broth. I thought what have I done. Once I was able to go on my soft diet, I was fine. I would do it all over again if I had too. I feel so much better about myself. You will do fine, just listen to your doctors. Take care and good luck.
   — barfiep01

July 19, 2007
Im sorry yaw, I spelled congratulations wrong. I need to go home and give my brain a rest.
   — barfiep01

July 19, 2007
This is just the beginning, I too am looking forward to getting it out of the way. I wanted Lap Band, but because I have Reflux so bad they wouldn't do it. I even got a second opinion. So I have opted for the Roux En Y, this is going to a big change for us sister, but just think how much beeter we will feel. Congrats Cleo. You have my support all the way!
   — bderuiter

July 19, 2007
I just had a lapband done on 7/10. I got to the hospital at 6am and was home by 7p. The first and second day I felt like you do after a typical surgery. Slept most of the time, achey and sore . By day 3 I was feeling better and got out of the house for about an hour. By day 4 I felt great and even went shopping. No nausea-- controlled pain with lortab. I am 9 days out and have lost 14 pounds effortlessly. It is true what they say... it does melt off you. I physically feel better already and emotionaly I am on top of the world. I may have moved a little too fast with the shopping thing and all, but I felt great. Just dont overdo it. If you start feeling tired and achey, its time to rest. Make sure you drink lots of liquids so you dont dehydrate. I keep something with me at all times to sip on. If you are prone to or afraid of nausea after surgery, you may want to ask that something for nausea be given to you during surgery so you dont wake up nauseaus. Good luck and let us all know how you do. Dont worry you'll be fine, and as soon as youre feeling better you will be SO happy that you had the surgery, I know I am. Luanne
   — luannedewolf

July 19, 2007
CONGRATS Cleo, I'm not a lap bander; however, I offer these words of encourage -- STAY POSITIVE --no matter what people say, attitudes that are displayed -- STAY POSITIVE and THINK POSITIVE thoughts. Just think about the weight you're going to lose and how you are going to feel once it's all over.
   — the7thdean

July 20, 2007
Hi Cleo...I had lap Band on 7/9/07 and I am doing great. I have lost 15 lbs so far, which I thought was kind of fast, but hey, who am I to argue, right?! I went back to work this week on Wednesday and have been just fine. The funny thing for me is that I actually FORGET to eat my yogurt and puddings, I'm just not hungry. I have had no nausea, and I went off the pain meds the day after surgery. My incisions (5) have pretty much healed up, just a few little scabs, and I am back to sleeping on my stomach. I was amazed to find that I can already get into a size smaller jeans than I was before surgery...that was a big shocker! I was nervous and afraid before surgery, wondering if I was doing the right thing. I have several friends who are now considering it after seeing the smooth time I have had. I had to be their 'guinea pig', I guess, LOL! I will, however, be doing the happy dance when I can finally have real food again. Soup, yogurt and pudding only cuts it for so long! Good Luck with your adventure...and it is an far I'm having a blast! Brenda
   — brendaw24

July 20, 2007
Cleo, Congrats.. :) mine is 8-13-07 :) i can not wait either. Im getting scared but a happy scared like when you're on a rollercoaster and you know as soon as you get up that big hill theres going to be this great big huge fun ride coming :) (ok i love roller coasters) but the thrill of just standing in line for it is also what makes my nerves rumble.. :) anyhow i wanted to say hello and great job you'll be on that losers side soon :) Good luck God bless you and please keep us posted Paula A 272/231(now)- 135 is my goal :) 8-13-7
   — japaad

July 20, 2007
Good luck on your surgery you will be on the loser side then, I had my surgery on june 25th, but had rny because of other medical problem I lost 40 pds in 2 weeks I am 26 days out. that weight was at 2 weeks, It normal to be scared and excited just think of the new you.
   — carman

July 20, 2007
Congrats! I am scheduled for surgery (lap band) on 8/15 and am so excited too. Have been reading for months adn I think being nervous and scared is just part of it that is to be expected. For me - I have just decided I can't keep "not living" because of this weight and it is time to start living again! Good luck!
   — tbwilliams

July 22, 2007
It won't be long now. You will be so glad you did it. I had my lap band on July 11 and I lost 22 lbs to date and haven't even come close to hurling once. I can't wait for my first adjustment. Another new adventure in the sogga of weight loss.
   — tutty8buckwheat

July 28, 2007
Cleo (and to others preparing for surgery)...just listen to what the doctor and the nutritionist tell you. Follow the directions for eating, movement, everything...there are reasons to all of these things. Don't be afraid to ask them questions when you have concerns. Good luck and God prayers will be with you on Monday!
   — BrendaMS

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