I'm Pregnant and have keytones please Help...

I'm 3 months pregnant. I had my gastric-bypass 10 months ago. I've lost all my weight. But my OB-GYN doctor is telling me I have key tones (+2). I've heard that's normal and I've also heard that can be very bad health wise. And Advice on what key tones are and how they'll effect both me and the baby. How do I get rid of these KEY TONES.. My OB said to EAT MORE.. Physically impossible...    — ebenitez510 (posted on August 29, 2007)

August 29, 2007
Well.....are you normal weight at the start of your pregnancy, perhaps still having a bit more additional weight according to average BMI charts? Ketones are your bodies byproducts of burning fat. When you are very low carb, and you're go into ketosis. That's the period at which you lose alot of weight because your body is at it's optimal speed for burning. Any concerns regarding the effect on your baby you really need to ask your OB. Effects of ketones on you....pretty much's just the bodies reaction to burning fat. I know it goes against our plan of eating.....but add more carbs to your will help you to stay out of ketosis. You of course need your proteins and veggies.....but throw in some carbs...pasta...potatoes...cereal....things that normally have higher sugars in them. You can buy Keto sticks at the pharmacy to check your own urine at home....that way you could see if you're eating enough to bring you back out of ketosis. Please ask your doctor about the effects, as we are not equipped here to give medical advice.....only advice based on our own experiences. Good luck! And have a healthy 9 months. :) Becky
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 29, 2007
i would check out this info it may help...good luck website,
   — jodi T.

August 29, 2007
If you are running keytones, especially with a pregnancy, please consult your OB/GYN or your diabetic doctor if you have one. This is not something to play with. I have been diabetic for 40 years and still keep a close eye on hose little bugga booos, as well as constantly checking my blood sugar. Best of luck to you. Lynn W
   — Lynn W.

August 29, 2007
Ketosis during pregnancy is VERY unhealthy for your baby!!! Follow OB"S advice to the letter. Gain weight, liquid cals may be an option
   — drewberly

August 29, 2007
I am pregnant again for the 2nd time after gastric bypass. Yes ketosis is bad during pregnancy. If you can't eat more, you will have to eat BAD. I know this goes against the grain after working so hard with Surgery, but my doctor advised me to eat unhealthy or higher carb foods. This way you can add more calories to your diet (without ingesting more food) and you won't stay in ketosis. Also I try eating several small meals a day (and I do mean several, LOL). I only gained the normal 36 pounds with the first baby and most of it came off immediately after giving birth. So don't worry if you start to gain. Just do what is healthy for your baby!

August 29, 2007
The ketones in your urine means that you are breaking down body fat which is the goal of a low carb diet. Now that you are pregnant you need to stop the ketosis process and stop losing weight temporarily. You will need to work closely with your bariatric dietician to add more carbs into your diet for a healthy pregnancy.
   — Elizabeth C.

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