Any experience with hernia after lap-band surgery?

I had surgery on Tuesday, 11/13, and most pain is gone except that I have a hard lump just to the right of mid-line on my stomach that hurts a lot, especially when I get up from bed, a soft chair, etc. or with coughing. Could this be a hernia? Any suggestions on what to do, or might it pass? Thanks for any thoughts. Shelley    — shellb54 (posted on November 16, 2007)

November 16, 2007
Call your Dr. ASAP!!! Do not wait through the week-end! It could very well be a hernia and if it is they will want to know right away. You do not want to get a twist. I waited to tell my surgeon and I finally went on, I think a Friday and he had me in surgery the following Wednesday morning. If it is not a hernia let them decide that. Good Luck!
   — Lost4Ever

November 16, 2007
Are you sure its not your port you are feeling? The port is not always right were the incision is. Mine is actually about a 1 and a half below the scare. My port feels like a lump and it is going to be sore alot longer than your other incision places.
   — Babbles

November 16, 2007
I had a hernioa in my stomach last year (not related to WLS at all) and this sounds very similiar. I would call your doc ASAP.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 16, 2007
welcome to the world of I had my surgery 5 1/2 yrs ago and I was just at the dr. I have a hernia by my belly button.ive been have pain and burning in my stomach for quite some time now.good luck.
   — deb44m

November 16, 2007
I would bet that it is your port where they'll do the adjustments to your band. I'm two and a half years out. You'll always feel the port there, at least the lump. The pain from it will go away. Check with your surgeon though.
   — billyblaine01

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