Has anyone used CURVES as their only way to exercise?

And if you did, did you notice the difference? How long did it take before you noticed changes in your body? And do you think it helped your skin not to sag?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on December 5, 2007)

December 4, 2007
I have been a Curves member for several years pre-surgery, and I think it helped me to get through the surgery well helped me to lose weight before the surgery. I think I noticed a difference in the way my clothes fit in about 3 weeks. Now, post-surgery, I go to Curves at least 4 days a week and I think it is helping in all areas: Toning muscles and tightening core musicles as well as helping me to burn calories. At Curves, the kind of workout you get is really dependent on how hard you work the machines. If you get your heart rate up to 80% for at least 10-20 minutes, you are going to get the full benefit of the exercise. Besides all that, I really like Curves because of the support of the employees and other members -- it is a very nurturing community of women. I think this aspect depends on the owner/manager and the community itself.
   — MusigalF

December 4, 2007
From listening to women at support group meetings, the response is varied. Some women initially like it, but find they don't get enough out of the exercise routine. Some women have said it seems like a social club, and exercise is not intense enough. Other women like it, but do not continue for the long term. Only way to know, it try it yourself.
   — Dave Chambers

December 4, 2007
I have been going to curves since April 07 my surgery was in Nov 07, and like any other exercise you get out what you put in....if you do not work those machines, you will not see results. I just measured this weekend, and I have lost sereral inches, I love CURVES.
   — Marie B.

December 4, 2007
ALL exercise is good dont forget walking! Its free gewts the bood moving helps me to feel better, physically and emotionally.
   — bob-haller

December 5, 2007
I had surgery in March '07 and have been a member of Curves since May '07. Since joining Curves I have lost a lot pounds and inches and I believed it has helped tremendously with the toning. The workout is what you make of it...if you work hard on the machines you will see the results. Try joining on a month-to-month basis and if you like it then sign up for the one-year program. Some of the Curves centers are now "Curves Smart" facilities and if you use that program it really help you to get the most out of your workout. GOOD LUCK !!
   — AngelaC.

December 5, 2007
I had RNY April 30, 2007 and began at Curves July 23, 2007. I believe that it has helped me tremendously in toning and losing weight. I go to Curves 6 days a week and I have lost 110 pounds and 75 inches. I do believe that you get a good workout - if you want to. Work those machines as much as you can and you will get a workout. I leave everyday in a really good sweat. Some women leave with their makeup still looking perfect and never sweat. Workout hard and you will receive excellent results! I Love Curves!
   — BeckiesinTexas

December 5, 2007
Ditto to to Angela, Flora, Becky and Marie! Curves is great and you get out of it what you put in. Good luck, Pat
   — pjennjr

December 5, 2007
curves is great but i do butterfly life which is alot like curves only better...instead of just a platform to move on between machines there are trampolines which are alot more fun! also the machines have weights so you can adjust it as you get stronger...they also have fun exercise classes going on all day, from all kinds of dances to pilates to yoga...just since i've been going there in august i've dropped about 45 lbs...lost track of the inches though...i think circuit training at curves or butterfly are alot better and less boring and it's not a beauty contest like it is in the traditional healthclubs...just normal women working to get healthy! good luck
   — lizzie42

December 6, 2007
I joined Curves right after I attended my RNY seminar. I wanted a good exercise foundation prior to surgery and something I could keep up within a few weeks of recovery. I had my RNY 06-03-03. I have lost over 75 inches (none through any type of surgery). When people find out I've had gastric by-pass surgery (RNY), they are quite surprised. At one time I weighed over 350 pounds (I'm 5'2"), through my own efforts I lost 60 pounds before joining Curves 11/25/02; from that date until my surgery I lost another 52 pounds. As of my 5th anniversary at Curves, I had lost a total of 79 1/2 inches off my frame (that's 6 foot 7 1/2 inches) and 115 pounds. My bariatric surgeon would like me down to 137 pounds, I got down to that for about a week, but have trouble maintaining that. I weigh 160 pounds right now and am diligently working to remove more fat and inches through exercise and diet. I hope this encourages you. I am encouraged by my own success everyday.
   — maggie1952

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