I want to find a doctor in the Columbus Ohio area that will prescribe Adipex!!!

I am up a little bit and need help getting my eating in control, does anyone have a doctor in the Columbus, Ohio vicinity that will prescribe Adipex? Thanks!    — swickard1 (posted on April 9, 2008)

April 8, 2008
Hello! I used Adipex about 7 years ago. It did absolutely nothing for me except make my mouth VERY dry. If you really want to try it, I would think your Primary Dr would give it to you. That's how I got mine. Good Luck!
   — Kar708

April 9, 2008
As far as Bariatric doctors go, they are not fans of Adipex. It is a stimulant anphetamine that may make you lose some weight in the begining but it always comes back 2 fold. They are pushing weight loss surgery and not drugs. I asked because it also worked for me for a short time. It caused headaches though and horrible constipation. Have you ever tried Xenical or Alli? They are fat burners and they would be more likely to give you that sonsidering neither are narcotic or addictive. They look at Adipex like Ritalin, and chemically it is pretty close to the same thing. I studied Pharmacology for 3 years.Any questions please feel free to ask me. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 9, 2008
Be very careful with this stuff, It has been linked to several serious medical conditions (late 1990's). Here is a link I found that will explain it. Good Luck...
   — chell1957

April 10, 2008
You're not going to like hearing this....but basically you either need to start journaling or get into to see someone because you're not dealing with the heart of the problem, which is emotional eating. Meds and surgery aren't going to get you back where you want to be long term. And I'd think you'd want to manage the problem, rather than have a short term fix. Just like any addiction, you need a course of action that gets you to a point where you can handle the cravings....handle the reason you're eating...overeating....and perhaps it's just a matter of exercising more... whenever you feel the urge to eat....go for a walk...drink water...brush your teeth...Seriously... we've all done enough damage to our bodies....putting more drugs or having more surgery isn't going to do us any good. I have the same fears about emotional eating, that's why I feel comfortable saying what I have to you. I'm only 6 months out... still losing...but I know that after I get to my will be a constant battle to understand why I crave what I do, why I want to comfort... etc. I journal now...and it helps a lot. I also had to become super body conscious as to why I feel the way I do..when I'm having a craving. I'd just hate to think that meds or a revision...or what ever....would be my only solution to a problem that I believe I can get a handle on. Please know you have a lot of support here...and if you need someone to just get you back on it out! Please don't resort to weight loss drugs just because you're fearing a little weight gain. It's natural and normal to go up and down. Just believe in yourself....that you CAN do this. YOU have the power....don't let the eating and lack of motivation get to you. Keep the faith! Hugs and best wishes! Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

April 11, 2008
I don't live in your area, so I can't answer your question directly. That being said though, I wanted to offer encouragement to you. I am nearly three years out and recently we had some serious family medical drama that had me caving into my cravings. Being post menopausal has me craving chocolate often and it is a fight to stay away. Anyway the point is, like you, I started thinking about going back to meds to try to curb the issue. I even checked into it, but then I woke up and said get back to basics, protein shakes, protein foods first, salads, etc. I found that the minute that I dropped the heavy carbs I stopped having the desperate cravings. And happy to say the 5 lbs that was upsetting me, is melting away. Good luck in your journey!
   — foreveryoung

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