I am 15 months out and have only lost 70lbs., stuck there for 5 mos

I have only lost 70 lbs and have not lost any weight in the last 5 months. I feel like a failure because I am still chubby! I get depressed and what happens, I turn to food as I used to out of frustration. I worry that I have ruined my surgery and it is no longer working for me. Please help!!! Any advice, diets, motivation??    — margaret34 (posted on April 23, 2008)

April 23, 2008
I'd return to your surgeon and see if you can work with a dietician. There isn't anyway to ruin your surgery, but you can stall your weight loss if you are eating too much of the wrong foods. Make sure you are still getting 50-70 grams of protein a day and following a low-fat diet. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables and find other outlets for your emotions. Hope it helps!
   — Kimberly928

April 23, 2008
Your profile does not ahve any information so we don't know what kind of surgery you had, but it is was a lap Band, have you been gettingyour fills regularly? If it was RNY, have you been sticking to eating 70% of your calories from Protein and sticking with just frest fruits and vegatables for the balance? How many days a week do you go to the gym to work out and for how long? All these things will effect the results you have with your new tool. Remember WLS is just a start, you control how much and how long you are going to keep losing, so get back with your sergeon and get him to help you get back on track. Are you attending a support group at least once a month? That will make you understand you are not alow and will provide the mental support to keep on the program. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 23, 2008
You might try this: People swear it makes them feel like when they first had surgery. Don't ask me why they call it the 5 day pouch test.
   — jannmyers

April 23, 2008
I would call my doctor, I heard a few people saying they have the same problem, but you want to check with your doctor. Good luck and don't get depress, it's only a pause, maybe you need to make a change on your diet or your proteins or something. Good luck Christina
   — Christina K.

April 23, 2008
How many grams of protein are you getting a day? Are you drinking enough water? Do you know about metabolism, and how to maximize it? There's a lot of metabolism help online. Are you using something helpful like a clean, whey protein to help build lean muscle?
   — Ruth Shapovalov

April 23, 2008
You know that the lapband and RNY are both just tools. If you don't get to the root of your eating issues, they resurface. If you don't already see a therapist experienced with WLS patients, I suggest seeking one out. Instead of turning to food, recognize (and say to yourself) that "I am only eating because of my emotions" and then get the heck out of the kitchen. Also start off by giving yourself credit. 70 pounds lost is a big deal. I know we all want to be an ideal weight, but realistically that doesn't happen just because of WLS. Heredity and other factors play into how each of us lose weight (or don't). Be proud of what you have accomplished. Recognize that it may take boosting the water, the exercise and nutritious food to get the extra pounds off. You have not ruined your surgery, but you do need to get back to the basics. Exercise, water, protein/vitamins and small portions. Always use a small plate when eating. Always focus on what you are eating. And stop when you feel satisfied (not stuffed). Refocus and you will do fine. Chin up... You can do this!
   — gonnadoit

April 23, 2008
even if u have stretched your pouch u can still do this. my surgery was a complete failure due to internal abnormalities so after much research and consultation i have come up with a diet that allows me to lose weight without having the surgery, not my first choice ...but it works.u need at least 50gm of protien/day still, eat as many veggies as u like, and drink plenty of water/tea/chrystal light etc... but u can also have good carbs to help fill u up. stay away from white carbs. white sugar, flour,rice,potatoes.. instead eat whole grains brown sugar and brown rice. it really works well. i have lost 112 lbs in 12 months using this method....without surgery. good luck and remember u are in control.
   — angie1980

April 24, 2008
I'll be glad when i have lost 70lbs. Dont' feel like a failure, you are not! 70lbs is a lot of weight. But it sounds like you have gotten off track a bit. When you grocery shop, only shop the perimeter where the whole foods are. All the junk is in the middle. Don't buy it and you won't eat it. When you feel depression coming on find something to do, a brisk walk will do wonders and will lift your seretonin levels and you will feel better. Before my surgery i went thru the kitchen and cleaned it out. There isn't any junk food that i like. My hubby is allowed a small back of cookies, my son and daughter are allowed a back of chips to eat with sandwiches. Otherwise we have fresh fruits, yogurt and veggies for snaking. When i cook, i cook whole fresh foods. I recently learned to cook salmon and my hubby says it's the best he's ever had. My kids love it. I don't cook anything out of a box anymore. So not only am i eating better but so are they and we all feel better for it. Also, don't keep any snacks around that you can just grab and eat. Eat snacks that you have to spend a bit of time preparing. Think about the snack while you are preparing it and while you eat it. Eat it slowly and savour it. Small bites, chewed completly. Don't eat while you watch tv or anything else. Then when you are done, find something to do to occupy yourself. Stay busy. When you are board, log on here and look at the before and afters and read the forums. That always encourages me to try harder. I think, if these other people can do it, so can i! You can do this. Remember why you had the surgery in the first place and jump back on the bandwagon. Good luck and God bless. Oh ya... I pray a lot about my weight loss. God does listen and wants you to be happy, healthy, and slim. Kristi
   — Kristi H.

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