
I have been scheduled for Lap RNY on 11/06/08. My dilemma is I will have to be out of work for 6-8 weeks. Unfortunately, it will be unpaid. Does anyone have any advise on how to receive some type of income while I am recovering? Any advise will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. I work for NYS. I am insured through Empire BC/BS.    — DIMPLES69 (posted on October 4, 2008)

October 4, 2008
Not sure of your situation but 6-8 weeks sounds like a long time to have to be out? I had lap RNY on January 17 and could have gone back to work 10 days later when they took my staples out although I elected to take 10 more days and vacation during the time. Maybe you won't need to be off so
   — sandrainpodunk

October 4, 2008
Is your job such that you could do some work at home once you are feeling better after surgery?? Congratulations on your upcoming surgery!!!
   — Carmen G.

October 4, 2008
Do you not have short term disability where you work? I was only out of work for two weeks. Why will you have to be out 6 to 8 weeks - that would probably depend on the type of work that you do. One just can't pick up more than ten pounds the first two weeks. Most work places have short term disablity - talk to your Human Resources rep.
   — ap2008324

October 4, 2008
Just an fyi.. and i know its not much but i have state farm Car and renters ins on my policy i have a have a hospital pay income..meaning for everyday im in the hospital i get 100.00... check with your Auto/home owners/ renters ins..or swich to one that has this available if im in the hospital 2 or 3 days i get 200 or 300 $$ just something to check into or if your employer has any kind of aflack or short term disability...hope it helps Christina
   — playgirl2077

October 4, 2008
Lap RHY should not keep you out of work for that long. Probably only 2 weeks. Also, you should check with the Human Resources Department at your Job; where I live (New Jersey) there are short-term disability benefits through the state of new jersey..... The HR Dept. at work explained it to me and helped me submit the form and my Surgeon had to submit a form (they do it all the time for patients). I was able to get money for my time off work. This money is our tax money we all pay-in.
   — Gina S.

October 4, 2008
6-8 weeks is a bit long for lap unless you have a very physical job with heavy lifting just as someone else had said. I was an insurance benefits specialist for 8 years so you definitelty want to check with your HR administrator and see if you are enrolled in short term disability if they offer it. Only 5 states plus Puerto Rico are legally mandated to provide the benefit otherwise it's optional and they do not have to offer you anything. They are California, NY, NJ, Rhode Island, and Hawaii. If it's not one of the mandated states, they may not offer it all all since it's optional and at their discretion. If you aren't enrolled in the plan then you will have to wait until they have their open enrollment period which for most insurance carriers is in November in order to have benefits effective Jan 1 or May to have benefits effective in July for fiscal year employers. Unfortunately you are not able to enroll whenever you like unless you have a change in status such as getting married. Your employer can enroll you as a late enrollee but there are many hurdles to jump over for that to happen and even then there will most likely be a pre-existing condition clause on your policy which would prevent you from recieving any benefits for this since you were treated for it within the 12 months prior to being out of work unless you had coverage with another carrier prior to this. So if you do not work in one of the mandated states, then you definitely want to check with your employer and then take it from there. Sorry my answer was so long but I hope it helped you even a little.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 4, 2008
Why can't you collect state disability? Have your doctor fill out the forms. Also, why would you be out that long? My doctor told me in one week I could go back but it depends on what type of work you do. I am an Executive Assistant who sits all day. My surgery is next week Oct 9th Lap RNY but unfortunately, my Temp assignment ended yesterday so I can take longer to recover and don't have to worry about going back so soon while I collect unemployment benefits. You shouldn't be out that long. My doctor told me one to two weeks for LAP. If it were OPEN then it would be longer.
   — LA2194

October 4, 2008
I was able to return to work in 2 weeks. I could have gone back after a week, but I milked it for an extra week.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 4, 2008
I was able to return to work in 2 weeks. I could have gone back after a week, but I milked it for an extra week.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 4, 2008
Is Lap RNY the same as Lap Band????? Is so why is your DR keeping you out so long???? I had Lap Band on a Thursday....was walking to the end of the block and back ( about 9 houses) on Friday evening...went Grocery shopping on Sat ( but did not pick up or carry them ) went to the mall on Sunday for an hour and half and back to work on Monday.....and I was 58 at the why is he keeping you out>>> I will tell you the best thing you can do soon as you can start the kitchen and the bathroom and back....around your house ...get up and down and walk ...walk will ease the gas pains and you will heal and feel better faster.......this was what my Dr told me to do....I never took pain meds after the second day and was driving on Sunday.....

October 4, 2008
This may or may not be for you. 6-8 weeks is a long time!! Best of luck to you. Visit
   — bariatricdivalatina

October 4, 2008
Wow...6 to 8 weeks seems a bit long. You might want to get Aflac isurance, they will give you money while you're in the hospital and maybe even while you are at home recouping from the surgery.
   — maria09elena

October 4, 2008
6-8 weeks? That's a long time to be out... you should be able to return to work in just a couple of weeks, (depending on your situation). I'd talk to your surgeon and find out why so long of a 'recovery' time.
   — pattschiele

October 4, 2008
Just thought of more to say... I was able to do just about anything after 2 weeks. If your surgeon insists you stay out for 6-8 weeks, you could take a part-time job or sell on eBay. You shouldn't be limited to anything after the first week or two (except maybe lifting anything over 10 lbs) and that depends on how you feel. Good Luck!
   — pattschiele

October 4, 2008
I was going to ask the same question regarding short-term disability that most employers have for all their employees. You could apply for that. I had gastric by-pass and could have gone back in two weeks; however, my doctor had told me 4 and my manager went with the doctor's recommendation. Had I insisted he would have let me go back in two. If you're having lap 6 to 8 weeks does seem a little long. You might want to check your surgeons credentials.
   — the7thdean

October 4, 2008
I'm not sure of the reason you need 6-8 weeks, I had OPEN RNY and I took 1 month (because I was paid) I could have gone back to work in 3 weeks TOPS. Good Luck, wish I knew of something for you.
   — imaswtgrl

October 4, 2008
If you are really going to be out 6-8 weeks which seems long to me. My surgery buddy loads grocery trucks for a living and was only out for 4. However, check with your HR department about FMLA. you would have 12 weeks and some of it is paid.
   — phyllismmay

October 4, 2008
I had my surgery 5/22/08 and was out for 6 weeks as well. But my job offers short term disability. I was paid for the first week out of my PTO and then we have it set up where we get Extended Sick Leave pay in which we get along with state disability.

October 5, 2008
If you have used up your sick leave, maybe your emloyer can see if any of the other employees want to donate some of their sick time to you? I know it depends on how large a company and how many employees whether this is an option, but it is something to think about.
   — Wendy M.

October 5, 2008
I agree with other posts. I returned to work after 3 weeks and a friend of mine returned after 2 weeks doing 1/2 days for the 3rd week.
   — Junegirl

October 5, 2008
My question back to you would be why do you have to be out of work for 6-8 weeks? Most are back to work in about 2.
   — vegastina

October 5, 2008
How did you find an old fashioned surgeon that would give you that much time off of work? I had open hernia repair and lap band with a huge 8# incision and was only given 9 days off work by my surgeon. I wasn't ready to go back and begged for more time off and he wouldn't even consider it... and at the time was the charge nurse of a very busy 34 bed med-psychiatric unit which often turned into wrestlemania with very psychotic patients. His thoughts were the sooner you get back to your normal routine and function, even though it is strenuous, the better off you'll be in the long run. You will heal faster, have less chance of DVT, lose weight faster, etc. I was furious and did go back as I didn't have any choice, my teammates just took up my slack and were very protective of me. I don't know how to advise you as far as making some income goes, but, I would like for you to be thankfull for the time off as it is a rarity. If you don't have any complications, you'll most likely be able to go back sooner. God forbid you do, you'll be glad for the time off to heal. Remember, low energy after RNY is normal and it takes time to get back to normal. Good luck, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

October 5, 2008
My surgeon's nurse gave that as an approximate time to e out. I f I do not have any complications, I plan on being out for 3 weeks. Maybe even 2 weeks and the 3rd week I will do 1/2 days. Please pray for my speedy recovery. Thank you.
   — DIMPLES69

October 5, 2008
Lets not be judgemental, we don't know her circumstances It is her MD's decision and there must be a reason for this. I had open RNY and was out 6 weeks, I am a nurse and I do heavy physical work!!!! Good luck! Ana Villa,RN
   — nursevilla

October 5, 2008
I hope you can go back sooner than the 6-8 weeks. I work for the St. of MD and they will not allow me to come back on a light duty so I have to be out the 6-8 weeks until I can lift without restrictions.
   — tonitoot

October 5, 2008
If you work for nys how come you dont have any time you can use? I work for the county. NYS disability too I think is available.
   — Linda R.

October 6, 2008
I had my surgery on Thursday, September 4th and returned to work on Thursday, September 11th. It is not that long of a recovery.
   — showcattlemom

October 6, 2008

   — Lil' Booty

October 6, 2008
Although it depends on the type of work you do 6-8 weeks seems like a long time. I had surgery on 7/30 and was back at work on 8/11. Disability is also an option I would look into if I were you. Good luck!
   — dnefews

October 6, 2008
I had lap RNY on Sept. 3,2008 and was back to work on the 22nd and I am doing great, it depends on the type of work you do how long before you can go back to work. As far as an income try diability.
   — humper

October 6, 2008
The only restriction I had after surgery was no lifting greater than 25 lbs. Why does your doctor say 6-8 weeks for a laproscopic procedure? I took 3 weeks off because I had the time, but I could have went back to work after the first week. Good Luck
   — mary_rn

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