Am I the only one that stopped recieving automatic OH mail?

I don't know if it's all the new improvements to the site, but for the last 3-4 days I am not recieving any OH mail at all. I checked all my preferences and my email acct info and it's all good, but I am not recieving anything from OH as I always have...Anyone else have this trouble or know how to fix it? I stopped recieving any comments, personal messages and the questions and answers mail....I rechecked and reupdated everything I could find and still no mail! :::sniffles::::I miss it! I can still check everyhing manually...but I liked it automatic in my mailbox!    — .Anita R. (posted on March 31, 2009)

March 31, 2009
Hi Anita, I thought it was just me, but I have noticethe same thing.
   — crystal220

March 31, 2009
Hi Anita, I thought it was just me, but I have notice the same thing.
   — crystal220

March 31, 2009
I'm still getting emails but there seems to be a long delay in getting them. Something must be up!!
   — GlitterGal

March 31, 2009
Yes - me too - and I thought no one cared !
   — tordum

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