Nicotine in bloodwork?

My surgeon requires 6 months smoke-free. I tried to quit cold turkey but failed and now I am on the patch which seems to be working pretty well. Will they postpone surgery becuase of my patch? I will be off the patch well before surgery, but if they want 6 months this can push me back even further. Isn't the issue really the smoking aspect and not the nicotine? Yikes, now I'm nervous about this. I have waited 1 1/2 years to get this surgery and should get scheduled by this fall unless this nicotine situation screws it up!    — ctrtlz (posted on April 21, 2009)

April 22, 2009
They can definately rescedule surgury if you are STILL smoking. Smoking can delay the healing process. I quit smoking only 4 weeks before surgury also with the patch (huge help) and am now 7 weeks post-op. I wouldn't be too worried about a cancellation, just keep up with the patch program and there shouldn't be any problems. It's hard to quit smoking, but well worth it to better your health and your life. Keep up the good work :)
   — michelle caballero

April 22, 2009
I'm pretty sure smoking is the issue, not the nicotine in quit-smoking aids. Good for you; quitting smoking is an incredible accomplishment. Don't let anyone rush you about giving up the patch; it's a much better option than having a weak moment and picking up a smoke. Best to you. Janell
   — Janell C.

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