lap band to rny

Hi I would like to hear from people who have went from the lap band to rny. I have look at the board but I would also like to hear from people whom have have revision from lap band to rny. I want the sleve but medicare do not pay for it.    — JANIECEMOM (posted on June 7, 2009)

June 7, 2009
I would also love the answer to that question I had a lapband for 6yrs and never got under 200pd and now started the process to get rny
   — tasha1972

June 7, 2009
There is a Revision forum here on the boards. Look under FORUMS and then SURGICAL FORUMS. I'm sure you'll find lots of info there from others who've been thru it. Best of luck to you.
   — Arkin10

June 8, 2009
Hello, I had the lap band in 2003. I just had it removed on July 9, 2008. I went from a lap band to the RNY. I have lost 131 lbs so far. My BMI is 24.2 I weight 169lbs and started at 300lbs. I am 5ft 10in. tall. The doctor wants me to get down to 155lbs but if I don't get down to that weight I am ok with it. The only problem now is my body is deflated!! I am saving to have a breast lift done maybe implants?? As for the tummy tuck my insurance said they would pay but doctor wants me to wait at least until the end of the summer. The only thing I regret is not having the RNY done in the first place. Good luck with your decision.
   — catjurado

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