i have terrible back pain can i take med robaxin after RNY

   — prdurham (posted on July 7, 2009)

July 7, 2009
Always check with your doctor always!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — matigian

July 7, 2009
please call your doctor before you take it. You want to avoid stomach pain or other problems .
   — gay56

July 7, 2009
Yes, always check with your Doc, make sure anything you take is not an INSAID. Like aspirin. They can cause stomach bleeds..
   — lesleigh07

July 7, 2009
As a nurse I must say absolutely check with your doctor before taking anything! My personal experience with Robaxin (muscle relaxer) is that before my RNY in 2003 I had no allergies of any kind to anything and then after surgery I have developed allergies to Robaxin, Ultram (pain med), Nubain (pain med) and I ALWAYS list NSAID's as an allergy just to be on the safe side. So even if you took a certain medication prior to your WLS, things change (as I'm sure your learning ツ another thing to remember is that you "may or may not" need the same dose after WLS as you did before. I found out the hard way haha, not thinking, about a month after my WLS, I developed bronchitis and was prescribed Phenergan with codiene, I turned it up and took the same "swig" of it that I had done previous times before as I get bronchitis twice EVERY winter. About an hour later I had started my very first experience with Dumping Syndrome. So there are a few things to think about before taking ANY med now that all your "plumbing" is different ツ just BE SURE to talked to your surgeon first. Good Luck & Best Wishes!! Angela in Mississippi Jan 28, 2003 230/118
   — Angela Snow

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