Does someone that is 5 years post-op lose weight faster than the average person?

We are having a contest at work (Biggest Loser) to see who can lose the most weight in 10 weeks. I am using this to help me get ready for my own RNY surgery. The person that keeps winning this competition has had RNY 5 years ago. Is this an advantage or is it really playing fair?    — ekas0715 (posted on August 14, 2009)

August 14, 2009
I would say being 5 yrs post op does have an advantage because that person can only consume so much food, and naturally by the help of surgery will be full and not want to eat, whereas the people that didn't have surgery would be hungry sooner and more often and they really haven't cut their ties with the food. In order to succeed in weight loss, the addiction to food has to be cut. This is only what I can see from my experience of being an RNY patient of 3.5 yrs post op.
   — Kristy

August 14, 2009
Being at the 5 year mark myself, I can easily lose weight. So your peer is cheating. She should not participate with the regulars because food does not mean the same as it does to someone who has their full organ. I would complain if I were you!
   — Consuella G.

August 14, 2009
We have malabsorbtion that keeps us from getting all the calories from the food we do eat. That is the perk in RNY.
   — lesleigh07

August 15, 2009
I am only 2 yrs after wsl, non-invasive proximal bypass, from everything I have read, to lose the weight even with the surgery depends a lot on What you eat, How often you Eat,How much exercise, what type of exercise etc...My weight has come of fairly slow, which to me is good, gave some of my skin a chance to catch up...LOL... As to the contest, I feel that it is Cheating, and probably not good for that person to fluctuate so much, surely to win all the time that person would have to gain to lose? to win said competition?.. I personally would never join in. as this surgery was very important to me and worth way too much to go messing around with...LOL.. Hugs gabby
   — gaydria

August 15, 2009
I have been told that after 5 years your pretty much the same as a person who didn't have RNY. Your body has become accostumed to the lesser amount of food you are eating and it could be harder to lose weight. Personally, it is a lot harder for me to lose weight now than before I had the surgery.
   — smparker2

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