one thing

Yes I do think your right about one thing i should focous loosing my weight first and not give up on having weight loss surgery    — marybeth weaver (posted on November 2, 2009)

November 2, 2009
Good choice Marybeth. I am behind you 110% for you to get this surgery. I just hope your parents see the importance of it. Take them to a support group of pre op and post op patients. They could end up losing you in the end if they don't help you lose the weight. In the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to try a weight loss program on your own, but not protein. That will make you gain weight. You can try by starting Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. That kind of supervised diet is required anyway for one of the requirements to have wls. I will help you as much as I can, I want to see you succeed.............
   — Kristy

November 3, 2009
Weight Watchers is a wonderful program for losing weight while waitling to have the surgery. It is good to have a solid support group.
   — trible

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