Has anyone successfully had the surgery at A weight of 490 LBS at surgery?

DR SAYS I MAY STILL HAVE TO LOSE MORE BEFORE HE WILL DO SURGERY    — dozerr (posted on February 1, 2001)

February 1, 2001
We have had SEVERAL in our support groups here who have weighed OVER 500 and gotten down below 200. Our surgeon generally does not require them to try to lose wt before surgery.
   — vitalady

February 1, 2001
In my support group, I met two patients, one male and the other female. Both had lost more than 450 pounds and both looked great. If I hadn't known, I would never had known either was ever heavy. My doc takes the extra skin for them when they have an incisional hernia. Both had it done. Hope this helps. BTW, both had the operation 4 years ago.
   — Perri T.

February 1, 2001
I weighted 532 lbs pre-op(gasp).I am 3.5 months post op. At my last weighing 2 weeks ago, I had lost 82 lbs. I hope to hit the high 100's by the end of my 2 year window of oppurtunity. My surgeon did not have a problem with my pre-op weight and luckly, I did not have to jump through hoops just to have the surgery. Of course, I educated myself and asked many questions before the surgery. One of my co workers just had the surgery last week and her weight is at the high end also. We have the same surgeon. Also, I was basically complication free. I must admit that every surgeon has their comfort level in preforming this procedure though.
   — Jan M.

February 1, 2001
My daughter and I have both had lap RNY surgery by one of the most recognized surgeons in the field...( He has performed lap RNY on patients weighing as much as 550 lbs. He also does not require his patients to lose weight pre-operatively. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

September 10, 2001
How unfortunate! I saw on your profile that you lost 50 lbs on your own and he told you it wasn't enough??? I would suggest that unless you have some very unusual comorbidities that would make the surgery dangerous for you, go see another surgeon for a 2nd opinion. Sheesh...if you could do it all yourself, you wouldn't be seeking the surgery! Best of luck to you.
   — [Anonymous]

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