
I AM REALLY NERVOUS AND THE CLOSER I GET THE MORE I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW.    — laurac82101 (posted on July 1, 2001)

July 1, 2001
Gosh Laura, what to expect depends alot on your surgeon and the type of procedure you are having. I had Lap RNY on April 2nd and here's what remember of it..... Pre-op~Normal stuff in the hospital room before they took me down to the OR. I was given 2 pills to take that they told me were to settle my stomach. Once I got to the pre-op area, the nurse started an IV, and I signed some papers after talking to two of my surgeons. I had a tubal ligation during my WLS, so I had a bunch of things to sign. :-) Then they took me into the OR and had me slide over onto the operating table. I remember that they hooked some heart monitors up to my chest once I was settled. I laid there and talked to my surgeon for about 5 minutes and we were laughing and joking around until the anesthesiologist came in. I remember her telling me that she was putting something nto my IV to relax me and then I was OUT! Simple as that! They did all of the 'scary' stuff while I was asleep. That's when I was intubated and when they put the catheter in. I woke up in recovery 5 hours later. Funny thing is that I woke up while I was still intubated and I remember it! I was scared at first because it is hard to breathe through the tube, but then I just decided to let them handle it and went back to sleep. :-) I woke up again when they extubated me and made me cough.... OUCH! But then I went back to sleep and woke up in my room with my morphine pump and little or no discomfort. I must tell you that the drugs are great, and there is really no reason to let any of these things scare you. We've ALL been through it to get to the other side. Trust in your decision to put your life in the hands of your surgeon and hand your fate over to God. Stop worrying and start preparing for the rest of your wonderful life! I wish you peace in your journey.~Laurie Lorenz~55 pounds gone forever! Lap RNY 4/2/01
   — Laurie L.

July 1, 2001
Laura, the types of pre-op tests that are ordered vary widely from surgeon to surgeon, and can also be influenced by your particular co-morbidities. I had a lap RNY with a 2 day hospitalization. The day before surgery, labs were drawn and a chest X-ray and EKG were performed. After the surgery was complete, but while I was still in the operating room and sound asleep, dye studies were done to assure that there were no leaks from the surgery site. Aside from some post-op fingersticks to check blood sugars related to my diabetes, I had no further testing or procedures. Some patients with a history of respiratory problems have pulmonary function tests pre-op, and some patients have routine upper GI tests ordered post-op. Ask your surgeon what his routine orders are so that you can be fully informed. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

July 1, 2001
Hello. I am 6 days post op from a lap rny. I feel GREAT. When I got to the hospital, I checked in then waited for them to call me. When they did, I went into "prep" -- now I had to have a bowel cleanser the afternoon before (magnesium citrate) and it was still working so I made 2 bathroom trips while in prep. I had to change into the hospital gown (they gave me a bag to put my clothes in) then lay on a gurney in a room. A nurse came in and asked me a few questions, then they called my mom in and gave her my bag of clothes and I got to sit and talk with her for a while until they came to take me off to surgery. I was transported to OR where they had fun trying to put in my IV (I have invisible veins). They ended up waiting for the anes to do it. They rolled me into the actual room where I scooted over to the operating table. Then the anes got in the IV. I began to feel a little strange then next thing, I was in recovery. After surgery I was a little uncomfortable and in a little pain. Kind of like you just want to stand up and stretch but know you can't (I didn't get intubated by the way). Once in my room I also didn't get a morphine pump. I think that was good for me because the morphine they gave me (when I asked) made me nauseous (but Toradol worked well). I was up and walking by the next morning and out of the hospital the next day. Today I will go in to have my JP drain removed. Good luck!!!
   — Kimberly L.

August 1, 2001
8/1/01 Laura--My support group gave me lots of info, plus my doctor gave me a whole packet of reading about the foods I can eat, portions, etc. I also got a sheet that explained everything to be expected for the 4 days I am in the hospital. In my pre-op visit yesterday, the hospital staff was very informative and I also got to talk with the anesthesiologist and she told me a lot of things that would be happening. Doesn't make me any less nervous, but at least I know what's going on.
   — khelms

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