Breast assymmetry & incomplete development

Hello All. I just spent the last hour looking thru the library and I am sure that I saw, a few months ago, a posting regarding some kind of congenital defect that causes one breast to not fully develop. I know most of us women are not the same size on both sides, but every time I've seen my Dr's over the years and mentioned the size difference, they always brushed it aside as "normal" until they saw them! LOL! And when I finally had my first child and tried to nurse, the small one (my right one) would not produce more than a few drops and got infected as soon as my milk came in, which leads me to believe the milk ducts are not fully formed and functional like in my left breast. ..Devastating becuz I so wanted to nurse, but... anyways, I'm sure it's not Poland Syndrome becuz that is a more severe deformity of the entire side of the body, no? Am I dreaming this up or what? I am submitting my first LOMN to my insurance for breast lift coverage and thought that this fact could aid in my quest for the boobs to be covered as reconstructive as well. I just remember reading about someone having this same problem and it just described me to a "T" and I never knew I actually had a "syndrome" of some sort! Whoever can help, I am very grateful! Blessings to all,    — ChristiMNB (posted on June 30, 2002)

July 1, 2002
Hi... I had the same thing! Infection after my daughter was born, the whole bit. Anyway.. I had a breast reduction about 7 years ago and the insurance covered it completely. We had pretty good insurance then, but the surgeon wrote a good letter too! It is so cool to go around without a bra! My kids are always giving me a hard time! I will have perky tits till I am 60! Hope all goes well with you! You can e-mail me at [email protected]
   — Jackie C.

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