I hear alot about stretching your pouch. What are ways that people do stretch their

pouch and how long does it take for a pouch to stretch out?Are their any ways to prevent from stretching your pouch? Just curious.    — LUKESHA C. (posted on March 30, 2003)

March 30, 2003
Not really unless you want to be on liquid shakes for every meal for the rest of your life. The pouch is suppose to stretch up to 6-10 oz. <p>Take Care, Be Well, Be Happy!
   — John T.

March 30, 2003
What he said. Plus, the infamous "Pouch Rules For Dummies" came out of a study in which they found that, within that six to ten ounce range of pouch capacity, weight loss and maintenance success was a function of what people were eating, now how big their pouches were. In other words, some people with ten ounce pouches could and did do better than some with six ounce pouches, IF they ate a better diet and exercised well. And vice versa. Protein first! :~D
   — Suzy C.

March 30, 2003
Gak! Yet *another* typo from me! That should say NOT how big their pouches were, instead of "NOW."
   — Suzy C.

March 30, 2003
Relax pouch stretching is a overrated problem according to my surgeon. Its actually very rare and some stretching is to be expected and is normal.
   — bob-haller

March 30, 2003 till you are full not till it hurts. I an 13 months out and sometimes I still can only eat a few small bites. Like Bob's Doc, mine says the stretching is to be expected to some extent.
   — Oldsoul

March 30, 2003
I have heard that drinking soda can stretch your pouch. I never drank soda so this does not bother me. I know patience in my group who do drink soda and their weight loss is not as much. One woman just had a revision and brags about drinking a whole bottle(62oz) a day. I wonder if everything that would put air/gas in your pouch would cause it to stretch??
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 31, 2003
As the others have said, it is normal for your pouch size to stretch over time, otherwise, we would continue to have 2 oz pouches and whittle away to nothing. There are those that abuse their pouches though and can stretch them beyond the normal capacity it is supposed to stretch. They do this by eating until over stuffed, eating this way all the time, and eating all the wrong things-they end up stretching the pouch and regaining weight.
   — Cindy R.

March 31, 2003
I just had my first consult thursday and my surgeon said that in two years my pouch should be the size of 2 thumbs. That doesn't sound like a lot to me but he has been doing these for a long time and I trust that he knows more than me. I am going to do everything in my power to keep the things I don't need out of my little pouch so it will be the size he says it should be and not overstretch it because I still have a long life to live and I don't think I can keep the weight off with a 7-8 ounce stomach. Every where else on here I have read that 7-8 ounces is what the stomach should be though.
   — S C.

March 31, 2003
Lukesha, pouch stretching is one of those things that surgeons and people disagree on. My surgeon says soda can do it, others say not. One thing that usually can is if you eat to full capacity at every meal, your pouch will probably stretch a little more than usual. So it's best to stop eating 1 or 2 bites B4 getting full. I am 10 months out, don't drink soda, try not to eat till maximum capacity and still can only eat about 3oz at atime- never more than 4oz. And the pouch should stretch to about 6-8oz I've heard. And it could seem like alot, even the previous poster thought she couldn't keep weight off if it was that big. BUt you really can, that is not that much food, compared to what our stomachs used to be able to handle- something like 26oz or so I believe. BIG difference! Goodluck to you
   — Lezlie Y.

March 31, 2003
My surgeon says pouch stretching is over exaggerated and really not anything to worry about. I am 17 mos post op from my revision to transected pouch and add another year onto that from the original rny and just had an upper GI. I wanted to make sure all was well and my pouch has not stretched a bit! It is the size of one of the vertebrae which was visible in the xray. But sometimes I can eat more than I would ever think possible with a small pouch. Then other days I can eat only about 1 oz or so. It is rather confusing. Anyway, in order to stretch your pouch purposely, one would have to endure a lot of pain and would have to really try to stretch it. Just my humble opinion.
   — Mylou52

March 31, 2003
I asked this question of a surgeon that was doing a chat here on this site over a year ago & he said It's very rare for a pouch to be stretched out ( I assume he meant MORE than is usual & expected) & isn't cause for concern. I was really surprised at his answer, but that's what he said....
   — Kathy W.

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