Surgery is Friday and I am on my period..............

I know that it doesn't effect surgery but how do I "maintain" it while I'm in the hospital. I've actually had this period for three weeks now as its a consequence of going off the depo shots. My sister-in-law says the nurses will change the pads and what not. ANy suggestions or those who have been ther done that? Thanks so much.    — Susan M. (posted on October 8, 2003)

October 7, 2003
Hello. I was also on my period for my surgery. It was not too much trouble. The hospital still did a pregnancy test. I would just let your nurses be aware of it and they will change your pad. Trust me you will not be worried about it after recover. You can't move well enough to care. Jsut have a family member check every once in awhile becaue I got my bed dirty after b/c they usually put a catherter in and somehow my pad was not put back. Big mess! But for once I was not doing the laundry. It will be fine! Good Luck. I am 7 weeks out and feeling great. Down 40 lbs.
   — Jennifer H.

October 8, 2003
Don't worry about your period because a huge amount of women have their period right after the surgery anyway. The stress of the surgery can cause your surgery to happen all over again. It did with me even though I had just finished it days before! But they take care of you!
   — Michawn

October 8, 2003
Susan, if you check the archives you will find that many people have had the same issue. It's ok. The hospitals are used to dealing with it. I would suggest bringing your own pad for post op. Many (not all) hospitals use the old fashioned gigantic pads you wear with a belt (which they provide as well).
   — M B.

October 8, 2003
No worries dear. Just bring supplies with you and tell the nurse who's working with you. You can ask if its ok to keep a pad on during surgery, if not, no worries they'll most likely give you a sponge bath or a shower. I will be on mine for my surgery (November 11th). I will come prepared and just tell the nurse. No big deal. We're all women. We all go through this. Look at it like this...women who have babies deal with this (and worse) every day and those nurses don't flinch at their jobs. Just relax. Enjoy the morphine. :-)
   — Renee B.

October 9, 2003
I was also on mine and didnt care. I laid on chucks all day and it actually stopped anyway the day after surgery. I didnt leave the bed except to use the bathroom one time while I was in the hospital for 7 days. I had a catheter and had to fast 2 days before surgery so I didnt have to use the bathroom much anyway. Nurses will change your bed no matter what you do in it anyway. Hell I couldnt reach myself to insert anything or change anything anyway. The consequences of weighing 374 lbs.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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