prescription diet pills

I recently became ill and could not eat. I was throwing up so many times I could not count. My Doc found the problem but by then I was down to a sickly looking 130 pounds. He told me to increase my calorie intake and gain some of my weight back. Well I've done that and the weight is still coming on and I feel like my body in going crazy with this up and down in weight. Can I take prescription diet pills if I am being monitored by a Doc? Has anyone done this? If not help me get back on track! I've been through so much in my life and I feel like with the lack of support from family members "I told you so" is the last thing I need.    — grownandsexy (posted on May 7, 2006)

May 7, 2006
are you talking to your PCP or your surgeon??. You should also speak to your dietican. that is why they are there. I don't think diet pills would be prescribed by your surgeon, so you are most likely talking to your PCP. If you are gaining weight then you are doing something wrong, and should go back to the basics. you should also contact your local support group asap. the studies that I have done, show if wl patients don't attend support group meetings on a regular bases, then you could and will fail at your journey. Good Luck Steve
   — Steve Cohen

May 8, 2006
If you read the information with *any* diet pill it says in the fine print "you will gain the weight back" diet pills are definately not the way to go unless you are using as a "springboard" to get yourself back into exercising and eating right. They are suppose to be a "tool" not a fix. Hope this helps :)
   — Jennifer K.

May 8, 2006
Hi Lynnona, You definately need to talk to your surgeon and/or dietician in regard to this question. From everything I've gathered this is not a good idea. Maybe just increasing your exercise more will give that little extra help. But the last thing you need to hear is I told you so. You did make the right decision for you and that is all that matters. Hang in there! You can do it :). Good luck, Jean
   — Jean N.

May 9, 2006
I had done diet pills for years. Lose than gain it back plus some. It's not the answer. Go back to the basics. The post op levels.. 70 grams of protein and 64 ounces of water. Cut out the carbs. No rice, bread, starchy veggies, no sugar. It's a lot healthier than the diet pill rollercoaster.
   — LaurieH

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