I am a rural mail carrier and have to lift up to 75 lbs. How long before I can lift

   — meme2u51 (posted on July 10, 2006)

July 9, 2006
ASK your DOCTOR..he/she will be able to tell you this--first off-->WE< have NO CLUE what kind of surgery you are having--is it lap band? is it bypass? is it laproscopic?? are they taking your gall bladder?? will you have a 12 inch incision??? will you have complications?? will you be in the hospital 1 day?? 3 days ??
   — fishnrockport

July 9, 2006
I agree with Dale's reply, however just to give you an idea, I was told 6 weeks
   — sarahp1101

July 9, 2006
Just like the above. Although the doctor did say the longer the better. If I had to lift something and thought it was too heavy I would break it up. Almost a year out and no hernia and hopefully it will stay that way. I do lift weights with weight machines and still am very careful.
   — 1968 Loser

July 9, 2006
GET LAP SURGERY ONLY! about 1/3 of opens get at least one incisional hernia, LAP the rate is near zero. This directly from my surgeon Dr Philp Schauer the new president of the ASBS
   — bob-haller

July 9, 2006
nearly forgot it was one month before lifting heavy stuff.
   — bob-haller

July 9, 2006
Depends on when your doctor say it's fine for you to do so.
   — the7thdean

July 9, 2006
I had laparoscopic RNY and had no real limits on doing heavy lifting, except to be reasonable given that I was recovering from surgery and getting adjusted to the greatly reduced daily caloric intake that follows in the first few weeks after surgery.
   — SteveColarossi

July 10, 2006
I agree with the posters who are saying you should ask your doctor. I had the open surgery, and I think I was told that I couldn't pick up anything more than 10 lbs for two months. I was very chicken, and didn't lift anything for about three months. Please be very careful with this, my roomie at the hospital had been there for six weeks, she picked up her granddaughter a couple of weeks after surgery and damaged herself severely. Can you switch to a desk job until you can handle lifting? Maybe if you bribe a co-worker with brownies he or she can lend a hand for a while? :-) Good luck with the surgery, and I'll keep you in my prayers! -- Mary
   — mwilson523

July 14, 2006
I am a city letter carrier and had lap rny done on 5/5/06. I went back to work o 5/29/06 and only restricion was 40 lbs until 6/5/05 then I could lift the 75 lbs.
   — James P.

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