Do you think it would be OK to use ALLI two months Post Op RNY?

I wondered if anyone had combined using a medication like ALLI which blocks the absorption of fat in the food you eat along with having had Roux en Y surgery? Has anyone been specifically told not to? If so why not? Do you think it would be harmful other than the fact than we are already not absorbing all of our nutrients?    — collinsmom (posted on July 31, 2008)

July 31, 2008
at 2 months post op, NO, I would not use it. ALLI causes diarrhea in many nomral people. Most RNY'ers have some issue with diarrhea, and you won't know if it's the ALLI or something more serious. Be patient, and let the process work. It took me 2 years to lose 155 pounds, and I lost 100 pounds the first 7 months. Exercise, drink fluids, eat high protein foods or snackes, avoid eating after dinner, etc.--just like your surgeon suggested. Following the rules, leads to wt loss. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

July 31, 2008
You have already had a malabsorbtive procedure done and shouldn't be taking in that much fat 2 months post surgery for alli to help at all...I would ask your surgeon before taking this product and maybe hit a support meeting or two if you feel you need to supplement your weightloss like this...
   — lori042499

July 31, 2008
I hope you're prepared for a lot of chiding after this post....because most that have had this surgery wouldn't even consider using anything at this point in time. You're barely into your weight consider using a drug to help you lose weight would be not only silly, but possibly dangerous. You need to consult with your surgeon regarding everything you're taking med wise.... and make sure you're following his/her guidelines as to what you're eating at this point. At 2 months, I was barely into solid foods. I was losing quite fast too.... I'm now nearly 10 months post-op and average probably 5 pounds/month...but am down a little over 100 since I started this journey. Please....heed the advice of the people well as consulting your nutritionist and surgeon. Don't do something you'll regret. You shouldn't even be worried about fat at this stage..... just get your protein and your water in.....and make certain you're taking your supplements and b12 and calcium. I do think Alli would be harmful. There are already enough side effects with RNY....such as dumping .....why would you want to take something that would cause you to feel more terrible if you consume too much fat? That's all Alli does. It's more behavior modification than anything else. You eat fat...while on Alli...and you end up running to the bathroom. It eliminates it..... from your body...hell.... I already spend enough time dealing with the bathroom or other issues if I eat something I shouldn't....don't need anything else to add to my plate.... pardon the pun. Good luck....and definitely.....NO ALLI......You shouldn't need it......and hopefully..... if you do what you're suppose to.... you never will. Hugs.....Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

July 31, 2008
I'm not one to go around 'flaming' people and I will try not to right now...but I have to ask...did you put the weight you are trying to lose on in two months? You're two months out and have probably lost more weight in that two months, without really trying, than you have your entire life in that time period...and it will keep coming off. Why put yourself through this surgery to help you learn a new way of eating...if you're just going to keep going in the same circles all of us have spent years going through...increasing the bank accounts of the 'diet industry' and harming our bodies. You had this sugery so you could get OFF that merry go round and have a chance at a 'normal' life...not so you could speed up the merry go round. Stay away from the 'magic pills' (ie...snake oil) and do what you need to do to lose the weight in the healthier, manner you chose when you chose this surgery.
   — Hollywog

July 31, 2008
Well, if all these "quick fix" diet pills and potions worked for us - we wouldnt have had surgery now would we? Get rid of all the pills out of your house - it is now up to you to make the RIGHT choice by the diet guidelines and exercise. IF you are taking these pills, then you have "failed yourself" and not even given yourself a fighting chance at making this surgery work. Stay positive - stay focused and you will succeed.
   — C-There

August 1, 2008
I beg of you PLEASE DO NOT USE ALLI, this is a very dangerous product to those who want to loose weight normally, but you have worked hard to get to bariatric surgery, this product will do nothing but damage to you. As you can quess I am not a fan of it.
   — Ira Sansolo

August 1, 2008
I use Alli and I believe that it is helping me to MAINTAIN, not to lose. I did not start using this product until about a year ago, well over a year out of RNY surgery and after I had lost all the weight I am going to lose. I recommend NOT taking this product while you are still in your "honeymoon" period, at LEAST six months out of surgery. Among the OTC meds I take is FISH OIL. I do not take Alli and Fish Oil at the same time since Alli would effectively cancel out FISH OIL absorption by my body. Contrary to some folks' opinion, I believe Alli can be beneficial to bariatric surgery people or anyone else, but it must be done intelligently and not taken with the idea that, "Now I can eat anything I want and not worry about it." I suggest taking a list of ALL your meds (including OTC) to a pharmacist to get recommendations on a daily schedule for taking Alli in concert with those meds.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 1, 2008
I think that using Alli two months post-op would be a bad idea. The first year after RNY is when you are going to lose weight the easiest and fastest... you need to use this time to establish new, healthy eating habits so that you can maintain your weight loss over longterm. If you are relying on Alli now, what will happen when weight loss slows or stops? Also, you need dietary fat to live... if you are already malabsorbing due to surgery, taking Alli may keep you from getting the fat your body needs. Last but not least, there are water soluble and fat soluble vitamins... if you aren't absorbing fat, you aren't absorbing those vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and lack of these vitamins can cause major health problems. I am hoping that you are just getting opinions and not seriously considering this... or at least not seriously considering it before talking to your surgeon. The weight loss will come... take advantage of this time so that when weight loss slows, you'll maintain the loss. Good luck.
   — mrsidknee

August 1, 2008
One thing you have to remember is that ALLI is set up for a "normal" digestive system. Yours would no longer fall into that category. What reprecussions will you suffer in the long run to jump start your weight loss? Check out all of your options and make sure that you are exercising and staying on track before you try "new diets".
   — bariatricdivalatina

August 4, 2008
NO! The diet I don't believe is designed for extreme obese cases and for the most part people who undergo WLS are extreme cases where diet and excerise aren't producing the results. I say this in health and in compassion, if you feel you need to rush this weight loss, obtaining optium health process perhaps you should see someone about emotional issues. There are professionals that specialize in bariatric patients. If you need to talk; I'm here! Good luck and God Bless!
   — Ambitious

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