Not losing anything

hello everyone.............I wanted to know if anyone else is having or has had this issue.........I had my surgery 12/2/08 lap band.........I have not had any complications and everything is still going great.............I had my 1st fill on 1/27/09..........I have lost about 10lbs since surgery and I am going out of my first I thought I was not exercising enough so I workout 4 to 5 times a week for 1 hour each day........I am eating less then 1,000 calories a day......I am drinking 64 or more ounces of water a day and I am getting about 200 gram of protein a day..........I am using EAS protein with skim milk I mix 3 cups of milk and 6 scoops of protein 168 grams and when I had the milk that's another 27 grams.......I have been eating chicken, fish, tuna and veg's for the last 2 clothes are telling me that I am losing so I say yeah to the inches I am down 1 size in my tops and pants..........but the scale says different and its just so hard when I know I am doing everything right...........I know I should be happy with the inches and I have not gained but dang I need to see pound dropping........I am not giving up I plan on packing up all my winter clothes and giving them away because I know I will not be this size next winter................I go back to the doc this month and I will see what he says.............thanking everyone in advance for you suggestions and comments    — sawwas (posted on March 15, 2009)

March 15, 2009
Have you been journaling all of your intake everyday? Also, try and stay under 35 gms carbs per day. With all of that milk, you might be going over. What does your nutritionist and/or surgeon say? Keep us posted. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

March 15, 2009
Hello Tracy, I think you should have a talk with your nutritionist becasue if you are eating regular food there is no need to have so much protein in drinks. Are you controlling your portions? Chewing the food properly and eating slowly? Santos Bronx, NY
   — cancelsbronx

March 15, 2009
Sometimes it's just that you need a fill. You really don't need that much protein with the band, though. I would get in with your NUT, because if you're getting less than 1000 calories a day, and all that exercise, you might not be eating enough. Weird to hear, I know, but for some people, that's the case. When you exercise, make sure you're doing some resistance training, because it takes muscles to burn more calories. Best of luck. I think this is what they call Bandster Hell.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 15, 2009
I am a lap band person. I too have had a hard time losing weight. I have had 9cc of saline put in my band and I can still eat more than I should in the evening. I had my lap band 6-6-08. So far I have only lost 27lbs. I have lost a lot of inches but like you, I would have loved to have seen the lbs drop as well. Don't give up. This band can be a lot slower than the gastric bypass but in the long run, you will be just fine. If you want to email me directly, please do. Susan
   — susangielda06

March 15, 2009
I will talk to my doc and my nut I will start a journal.......Most of the time I only get 1 meal a day and that is usually lunch....I will have a protein shake for breakfast, yogurt about 2 hours before lunch which is usually after 2pm and I have the 2nd shake on the way home I work 10 hours shifts 8-7.....I don't want to eat when I get home by the time I check homework, exercise and wind down its to late to eat and if I do get hungry I will have fruit or yogurt..................thanks for you comments
   — sawwas

March 15, 2009
I was told 60 grams of protein. You might want to check with your nutritionist. Also, 3 cups of milk seem a little too much if you are also eating regular food as well. Good luck.
   — maria09elena

March 15, 2009
Unless you weigh 550#, 200 grams of protein daily seems to be excessive. Just the 200 grams of protein will yeild 800 calories daily. Then you have to add in the calories from the carbs and fat. Try to journal, you may be surprised at what you are actually taking in.
   — KEDIA

March 15, 2009
You said you were eating less that 1000 calories a day. How much less? Your body won't shed pounds if it thinks it's being starved. Maureen
   — Muggs

March 16, 2009
Tracy, you must check the suger, carb and especially the cholesterol content of the EAS. If i am not mistaken the eas is a protien powder but it is for body builders not weight loss. If this is so you are on the wrong protien powder. This type can make you gain weight actually. You may be loosing because you are on less calories then you would have taken in before you had the surgery. Also we were told to get 60 to 80 grams of protien a day. 200 sounds like too much. I think the EAS is what they sell at walmart??? you can email me at [email protected] if you want to talk further. Gail D.
   — 2bethin62

March 16, 2009
Hi Tracy, You are doing great. Keep up the good work and dont get discouraged. I woke up this morning and realized I am thinner. Everyday I was weighing and getting discouraged,. I weigh on the 15th like clock work and it may only be a pound. But my inches are insain. Nov. 4th I had the RNY and from a size 20 to a reg 14 and still losing so just measure and go from there. you are doing great. B
   — ronrebcoker

March 16, 2009
You are doing GREAT! Don't worry that you are not losing WEIGHT, you ARE losing FAT! Muscle weighs more than fat per cubic measurement. Pick the measurement, be it cubic inches or meters, muscle weighs more in the same space. If you do a test for specific gravity, you will find that fat floats and muscle doesn't. This shows that muscle has about either more, or about the same density as water. Fat is LESS dense and therefore, floats. This is the same kind of rule with wood and metal. Metal is denser than wood. This is why it weighs more per specific measurement than wood does, It is also why metal sinks when wood floats when placed in water. Because you are eating protein, and you are exercising, you are building muscle, The added muscle is adding weight, but REMOVING inches. It is making your body more compact. It is ALSO HELPING you to burn more FAT! KEEP ON DOING what you are doing. It is WORKING! Good luck on your weight loss. Hugh
   — hubarlow

March 20, 2009
Sorry I hit the wrong key. :) Anyway, Jessie was banded 10+ years ago and works for a band only place in Washington. Journaling is definitely what you need to do and that means EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth. Do you know that Splenda does have calories? I didn't but it does. Try to get in touch with Jessie or PM me. With help you can make this work.
   — VickiJ

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