Acrylic nails on during surgery me vain I have to take off my acrylic nails for surgery?? Seems like I've heard they need to be able to see your nail beds for some reason. Were you able to leave yours on or did they have to go.    — Kathleen F. (posted on May 31, 2009)

May 31, 2009
My surgeon, Dr. Michael Snyder in Denver, said acrylic nails are fine.... but no makeup, lotions, or deoderants. They used to judge your oxygenation (how much oxygen you were getting) by the color of your nail beds during surgery (pink was good, blueish was not so good).... but now they have that little "pulse-ox" clip that they put over your finger, and it reads out the oxygenation levels quite accurately, so it's not necessary to take your nails off.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

May 31, 2009
I have acrylic nails and it was no problem. I even had nail polish on,hands and feet! Good luck!
   — katiecakes

May 31, 2009
My hospital/surgeon said it was ok to leave them on also (no polish), but I took them off anyways since I didn't know if I'd be up for going and getting a fill within 2 weeks and I hate how they look when they're overdue for one. Funny, but I ended up going and getting new ones put on even before 2 weeks were up. I had a pretty easy recovery, wish you the same!
   — opheliafl

May 31, 2009
I kept mine on, was no problem. Good Luck to you!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 1, 2009
My prep nurse told me fake nails are 'usually' no problem. She said they attach a heart monitor to your index finger. As long as it gets a reading, it's okay. I didn't like the sound of "usually", so I had my nail tech file down (flatten) the nails on the index fingers to make the acrylic thin. There was no problem!
   — jtoothman

June 1, 2009
Hi Kathleen, I had/have very long (dragon lady nails) and the only problem was they had to put the tester/monitor on my finger side ways. It all worked out fine. I was in intensive care for 3 days and all was fine no one said anything negative about the nails. Best of luck with your up coming event!
   — tootsie52

June 1, 2009
the best thing to do is ask the anesthesioligist(?sp)on your pre-op visit. i think they are usually ok, but no polish! hope this helps...Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

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