HELP I NEED SUGGESTIONS, woke up with a cold, pre op.


October 27, 2002
I ended up with a cold about a week before my surgery too. I called my surgeon's nurse freaking out. She told me not to worry too much unless I was running a fever and had "green goopy drainiage". I just took some tylenol cold and sinus, some vitamin c drops, and drank hot peppermint tea. I still had a little runny nose and cough the morning of my surgery but no fever so they did it anyway. I don't know if they gave you a list of no-no medicines or not. I do know that my nurse said any tylenol products would be fine to take. I hope you feel better! Good luck with your surgery! =)
   — Tanya B.

October 27, 2002
Hi, The answer to the problem is ZICAM!!!! My internist recommended this to me a few years ago for colds and I swear by it! It is a homeopathic, over-the-counter nose gel. You squirt the gel up your nose periodically (every few hours) and it keeps the cold bugs in your nose instead of going down to your chest. One of the keys--start taking it as soon as you feel a cold coming on. It cuts down the duration and severity of the common cold. I had a cold a few months ago and took Zicam--the cold never went into my chest and was gone after about 4 days of mild symptoms. Other people I worked with who got the cold at the same time had problems for 10 days or more! Also, take Cold-Eeze lozenges (which are also Zinc based) for extra help with your cold. I can buy Zicam in the cold remedy section of my grocery store or at drug stores. It is pricey (about $11) but it WORKS!!!! My surgery is this Wednesday and I've had a supply of it on hand just in case. Good Luck!
   — Sarah S.

October 27, 2002
P.S. You can go to for more information on the product.
   — Sarah S.

October 27, 2002
Hey we have the same surgery date. cool!!!!!!!!!!!! About the cold I have been seriously loading vitimin C and takeing zinc and ecanasia tablets good for the immnune system also this will give a good cure theraflu hot tea it will knock you out and then you'll wake up feeling better also for daytime try dayquil. Am just as worryed about my surgery as you are my mom has the flu and I have been banded from there house till she gets better. good luck on your surgery am sure your going to be better by then.
   — sheri B.

October 27, 2002
I second the Zicam poster... here's my story. I developed the telltale sdore throat and post nasal drip on a Friday... was scheduled for surgery on the following Monday. As the day wore on, I felt feverish, tired and the nose began to run like a faucet. I got some Zicam on my way home from work, and used it RELIGIOUSLY throughout the night. Cold was G-O-N-E by the next am. What the Zicam actually does is prevent the virus from replicating... they don't have a long life span, so they just die out. Zinc lozenges are also good, but keep them well-spaced from any vitamin C you may be taking (or OJ, or other citrus fruits). The C will inactivate the benefit of the zinc. JK, RN
   — Joya K.

October 27, 2002
First of all, it might not be just a cold that over-the-counter remedies can help with the symptoms. I'd get to your PCP PRONTO and see if you need an antibiotic. For something like this, they would check a CBC to see if your white count is up and if so, probably put you on a short-term antibiotic, such as least then you can go in to your pre-admission testing showing that you have been pro-active and have it all under control! Good luck!
   — Lynette B.

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