anyone been told to follow up with nutritionist before they will give approval

I had my eval with nutritionist and she wants me to come back in 4 weeks to be reevaluated because she said I needed to make the changes now and gave me a diet to follow to lose 20lbs before surgery which is recommended but no one else has had to go back why me. Will I be approved next time!!!:(    — jnmcneil (posted on April 17, 2003)

April 17, 2003
My bariatric center does exactly the same thing. I had my first appointment 4 days ago. I saw the office manager, nurse pract., nutritionist, and surgeon. Most of my visit was with the nutritionist. My next appt. is mid May. Til then, I have to chew everything 20 times and wait 5 minutes between bites. I also record everything I eat. I agreed to do this because it seems there is a wait for most surgeons around here, and I feel it is a good thing to lose some weight before surgery. I can follow this for a few months. (After that, I make no promises!) A lot of folks in my support group feel this is unfair, if we could lose weight we could. But, I'm happy with my choice and feel like I'm doing a good thing for my self during the waiting period.
   — JoSyrNY

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