Cleared for gym at 2 weeks?

I have noticed that everyone has had to wait until 8 weeks to start back at the gym. I was cleared at like 10 days is this right? If I start now will I harm myself. I just can't understand why I can start so soon and noone else did.    — jnmcneil (posted on July 17, 2003)

July 17, 2003
I was told that I was cleared for treadmill, stair-stepper and a few other pieces of equipment 2 weeks out. Other equipment I had to wait on.
   — M B.

July 17, 2003
The treadmill at the gym would be fine to use. Just don't do the weight machines or freeweights until 8 weeks. At your stage you shouldn't be lifting anything heavy.
   — Starrlina

July 17, 2003
YIKES! I wouldn't do it! It sounds like you have some reservations. Just because you are cleared for it doesn't mean you have to do it. I would stick with the walking until 6-8 weeks out, then let your comfort be your guide. I started back lifting weights at 6 weeks and still often felt like my guts were about to fall out on the floor . . .
   — ctyst

July 17, 2003
Lap or rny or ds? My surgeon told me to wait (5 wks)because I'm still in pain on left side and he doesn't want a hernia from lifting too soon. I follow his advice -- bottomline.
   — who A.

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