Questions about excess skin?

Hello All, I am in the process of considering surgery but I am worried about the excess skin. Some people that I have met had horrible hanging skin so I don't want that. Is it really that bad?    — StoneColdLady (posted on January 11, 2006)

January 11, 2006
That really depends on how much you lose. Anything over 100 pounds for a woman/man over 40 is going to leave hanging skin. That is the least of our problems. I had a tummy tuck and that was definitely the icing on my cake. I would do that over and over and over again in a heartbeat. That was about as great as my WLS. At 118-119 pounds, size 2-4, 2-1/2+ years later, I can attest that the plastic surgery is part of the WL process and boy you won't be sorry . . . . Whether you want it or not, the reality is that when you lose the fat, especially if obesity has been present for many years, the skin will not usually shrink down to the way we were before the weight piled on (sorry).
   — Missy H.

January 11, 2006
I have to agree with Missy. I was at 517 pounds when I went in for my surgery after losing over 300 pounds I had alot of excess skin. Having a tummy tuck took care of the problem. Because of the excess amount of skin that I had my doctor considered it to be medically necessary for me to have the tummy tuck and was therfore able to get my insurance company to pay for it. If you pursue this endeavor you will never regret it. It is so wonderful to have a enjoyable life. Good luck with whatever you decide.
   — greno

January 11, 2006
Like Gary, I started at over 500 pounds and lost over 300. For me, even though I had been morbidly obese for well over 10 years prior to surgery, my body shape changed dramatically. I had my upper thighs reconstructed after varicose vein removal (the clusters were so large it was medically necessary to remove the excess skin around them) and I had a panni removal (of less than 3 pounds) with hernia repair recently. So, all things considered, I have needed relatively little excess skin removal. As many post-ops will tell you, the issues with excess skin pale in comparison to the issues associated with being morbidly obese.
   — SteveColarossi

January 11, 2006
You know what is funny, I asked the SAME EXACT question in May/June 05 when I finally decided to get the surgery done. Now that I am on "the other side", I can honestly say even if I did have hanging skin WLS is TOTALLY WORTH IT! I have my life back. I can RUN, jump, and play with my kids and my husband. I no longer have pain in all my joints. I no longer have fatigue from my M.O. In 5 months I have lost about 110 pounds and am at goal (I have to post a new picture of me soon!). I thought I would have hanging skin but I do not. I have an area over my c-section scar that is about 2 inches of skin/fatty tissue I can pinch. I am so grateful my skin went back but even if it didn't the benefits of WLS are so great it would be worth it. From what I have noticed at meetings and what doctors have told me it depends on your age when you have WLS and how much weight you need to lose. I am 36 years old and now feel and LOOK years younger than I did before WLS. Good luck on your journey. : )
   — jstatkus

January 11, 2006
It's better than being fat!
   — MissKimberly

January 11, 2006
Some people get hanging skin and others don't. I will need surgery to remove mine, but i still feel and look better.
   — Novashannon

January 11, 2006
Yes, Amy. With most cases of extreme weight loss, there is excess skin. Personally, I prefer the excess skin over excess weight. I am not limited in what I can do with excess skin and for the tummy, firm shape wear helps. I am only six weeks out from and RNY GB, but anticipate the need for future "plastics" but am trying not to think that far in advance. My goal is to lose the excess weight and keep it off. After that goal is attained, I'll start reaching for a new one. Good luck with your decision. It is a personal decision and I can only say that it was the right choice for me to have this surgery.
   — LauraA

January 12, 2006
amy there are no perfect solutions. you ought to assume you will have excess skin and decide whether you'd rather be (a) obese or (b) thin and a bit "wobbly". having lost 142 pounds and being at goal for some time now, i can tell you that for me that question is a no-brainer. sure i'd like to be firmer than i am, but NO WAY would i prefer to be back where i was over two years ago when i had my surgery.
   — carolsaunders

January 12, 2006
Age doesn't really have a HUGE play in this IF you have a LOT of weight to lose...It's all in the elasticity of the skin. I have a friend who's only 21 and her skin is AWFUL...Sharpei puppy awful...hanging everywhere... The good news can be fixed...Just gotta figure out a way to pay for what insurance won't. I would NEVER let that fear sway me from weight loss surgery. Your health comes first!!!! Good luck!
   — T S.

January 12, 2006
Yes. Yes the hanging skin is that bad, BUT the surgery is very much worth it. Just being honest.
   — MarkietaKennedy

January 12, 2006
They are right, depends on how big you are in the beginning and how much you lose. You lose it so fast your skin cannot catch up. Now for me I was on the low side, 285 when I had surgery. I have saggy tummy and thighs and under the arms, but I found this to be the lesser of the two evils and can live with it :) If a man can't, then that's his problem :) Hugs!
   — Angelfirewithwings

January 12, 2006
Amy, I weighed 360 lbs the day I had surgery. AT the rate I was going I was going to die! I am 7 months out and I have lost 110 lbs and I do have some skin starting to hang a bit. But (and I am not being a smartie) I have never heard of anyone dieing due to a little hanging flesh. I am going to see a great plastic surgeon in Pittsburg who does the Total Body Lift in one surgery. I will let him worry about my hanging skin. Right now I am just enjoying the freedom I have from the prision of fat I use to live in.
   — Patricia C.

January 14, 2006
It is according to your age and your weight you lose. If you are young enough your skin will adjust to your new weight especially if you exersize with your weight loss. And then there is plastic surgery.
   — vickicarson

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