If you used Fountain Valley Hosp or Lite Dimensions Please Read

Hello, I am looking for anyone who had surgery at Fountain Valley Hosp and Used Lite Dimensions. Please read my profile and contact me if your oprions are the same. 1. The poor treatment form Fountain Valley Hosp. 2. Mis-communication / mis-leading info provided by lite dimesions, incorrect billing. Thanks    — dehrma01 (posted on January 16, 2006)

January 17, 2006
I loved Dr Francis but hated the hospital it is dirty and nasty.When I was there the roomate I had left after the 2nd day but the pee hat she used was still sitting on the bathroom floor full 2days after she left.The gowns were were to small and if you were lucky to get a large one you had better not let it go.I was told by one of the nurses aides the day after surgery "get up and go walk"when I asked "by myself?"he said "yeah why not?"I nicely informed him that I was not going by myself since I was still grogy from the morphine and my dh had my glasses as we were instructed not to leave anything in the room.Have of the time I had a hard time understanding the nurses as they did not speak english well.There were silver fish and cockraoches in the bathroom and I was there thursday till monday and had exactly one maitnence person mop the floor and another take out garbage.The nurses woke me up evry hour on the hour for meds.vitals or shots.The patient in the next bed had so many people in and out that it was crazy at one time my dh and I counted 21 people in the room.Neither pt were Bariatric patients and then we had a homeless guy the nurse was calling crazy and said he had been there for over 2 months.The bed gave me a bed sore and there was no other place to sit in the room as the neighbors family were using the chairs to sleep on.My dh started coming in at 6 am to help me get up and washed or showered as the nurses would take to long in getting the stuff ready,the one time the nurse said oh I have to go get the towels and a gown but never came back So20 minuets later I had to grab the closest one to get me something to use.When I was released it took 2and a half hours to actually get out of there.And as we were walking the halls we noticed that on the other side of the hall they were cleaning and buffing the rooms,well the one room was extremly nice with a couch in it and big cushy beds when we came around the next time we realized that someone was in there with a nice screen for privacy in front of the door so I asked the nurse what was up with that room she says oh that is for private payers.What just cause you can pay put of pocket you get plush caouch and a clean bathroom but the rest of us get nothing and cockroaches? Joy S
   — Joy S.

January 17, 2006
I too loved Dr. Francis, My problem is with her staff and Fountain Valley Hosp. The poor treatment by the hospital staff, rudeness, and non english speaking nurses. My room too was never cleaned while I was there. The funny part is I have PPO Insurance and got treated like I had no insurance.
   — dehrma01

January 17, 2006
D-I also had my surgery at Fountain Valley Hospital. I hope I never have to go back there again. If you're interseted you can go to my profile and read about me. Nancy in SoCal
   — nancymc10

January 17, 2006
I just read your profile and that seems like a really horrible experience. Makes me wish I had thanked the nurses that took care of me more.
   — jengriggs01

January 17, 2006
My daughter did not have WLS, but also go the MRSA bacteria. I am of the opinion, that FV hospital has turned into a real germ breeding pit over the last years. My oldest daughter had Peter LePorte for her WLS, and was happy, but this was 6 years ago. My youngest daughter is still dealing with the MRSA infections, as they never really leave, but go into hiding for a time. She refuses to ever go back to FV hospital due to the treatment of her, and the filthy conditions. I feel for all of you that have suffered at their hands. She nearly died a year ago from the MRSA being in her blood and attacking her heart. She still isn't well, and has flare ups of this nasty problem. I know MRSA is rampant in hospitals, but I think proper precautions can be taken, and minimize the potential. I don't see this taking place at FV. Eventually, something has to give.
   — Statuesque

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