Does any one know where to get a medic alert braclet for RNY patients?

I have heard about braclets for gastric bypass patients, but how do you get one, and what do you put on the braclet? Are they really necessary to have one? Thank you for your help. Kristy    — Kristy (posted on August 5, 2006)

August 5, 2006
A popular site seems to be Lauren's Hope. A note of caution for those, however: They look just like regular bracelets (that's kinda the point) so I would worry if the medic personnel would even notice. Some docs recommend them, some don't. I personally don't see a need unless you have allergies or are diabetic or something.
   — platypus

August 5, 2006
you can get them anywhere.Shopko walmart ebay and I would stick with the ones that are not fancy because if anything happens you need the medics to see it and not think it is a piece of jewlery.
   — KristalGerou

August 5, 2006
Walgreens is cheap. Make sure it states no NG tube
   — Steve Cohen

August 5, 2006
from my understanding they are necessary. if you need to be put to sleep in an er and you can not speak they will not take caution in inserting the down. i think that you can get them thru med alert. you can also where a chain. i heard of one lady that had it tattooed never her scar as she turned the scar into the stem of a rose and placed the initials above the rose. good luck
   — tjjjx6

August 5, 2006
I've got one. It has been laying in my Jewelry Box for the past two years.
   — cindirella

August 5, 2006
The reason people where them is to alert ER staff not to place a NG tube down them, and it's not that you can't have a NG tube, but the person doing it better understand your new anatomy and know how to do it or they would push it right through your pouch. I chose not to wear one after discussing it with a friend who is an EMT...she said they never insert one at the scene of an accident, and chances are if you're at the hospital you're not alone and someone can tell them you've had gastric bypass surgery. I do carry a card in my wallet, and if traveling, I make sure the person I'm with knows that I'm a post-op and that I'm carrying that card. If you're single, you may want to consider carrying something. But the diabetic wears one because they could go into a diabetic would be such a rare instance that we would need a NG tube in an emergency situation that I don't find it worth wearing something daily that screams to the world that I'm sick, when in fact I'm healthier than I've ever been.
   — psychobabble35

August 5, 2006
I just got one from Lauren's hope and did only because I travel a lot overseas...and they do look just like a bracelet (I bought one that has a watch too)...I was told medical staff are required to always check jewelry. Mine reads, "NO NG tube; Gastric Bypass It really is a personal choice; good luck!
   — zoeysgrami

August 6, 2006
You can get one here at Go to
   — cpinck

August 6, 2006
I happen to live in the town where medic alert was founded. The whole concept behind a braclet or necklace is to have all your medical history easily accessable if you are unable to speak for yourself. if you go to , they will have you fill out all your pertinant info and assign you a medical record number that medical staff can access from most places. it is good to have one to say "no blind ng tubes" and if you have any allergies or take certain meds. I am a nurse and have used this system many times. if any thing read the story behind the medic alert tag. it is a good idea, espcially if you travel. hope this helps.
   — reginagoiburn

August 7, 2006
I sell Medical alert bracelets on my website.... shipping is free on your first order.
   — Penny P.

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