Surgery in 4 days...Bad headache, what can I take?

I'm not supposed to take Ibuprofen before (or after for that matter) surgery, and I have a headache that won't go away. My husband got me some liquid Tylenol, of which I took the recommended dosage, and it hasn't touched my headache. Do you know anything I can take that will be safe? I'm having my surgery (RNY) on Thursday. I woke up with this headache and it's 8pm and I still have it. Very frustrating!    — Skygirl (posted on April 8, 2007)

April 8, 2007
Excedrin makes a non asprin pill that is fine to take and does seem to work for headcahes. It is even allowed for post ops. It is a red caplet. Alice
   — hardestyal

April 8, 2007
Call your surgeon's office on Monday to see if they can suggest something else to take or if they will allow you to take what you've always taken. I don't think they'd like for you to be in pain. I was going to suggest the Liquid Tylenol -- I had a headache after surgery and the liquid Tylenol worked for me. Hope you get relief soon. Did you try the Tylenol pills?
   — the7thdean

April 8, 2007
Try laying down with some ice on the spots of your head that hurts. I get really bad headaches, and even tho I do have meds, sometimes it doesn't work and ice packs seem to help mine. Worth a try. I hope you get better. Diane
   — Diane C.

April 8, 2007
well, I guess it all depends upon what type of headache it is... migraines (vascular headaches) can be treated with rx or the non aspirin excedrin formula. If it is a tension headache and those usually start at the shoulders and work up the back of your head to the front. You can try warm compresses to the shoulder muscles, massage, etc. Are you taking 650mg of Tylenol (equiv of 2 reg strength Tylenol) or 1000mg which is the equivalent of 2 extras strenth Tylenol. I used to use Ibuprofen all of the time on my aches/pains/headaches, etc. I have found by taking the 1000mg of Tylenol, the pain is taken care of just fine. good luck on your upcoming surgery and hope this helped.... if it didn't consult your physician... they will have a whole list of approved medications and medications to stay away from....
   — Kari_K

April 9, 2007
Good suggestins from everyone...but I've heard the #1 reason people get headaches is dehydration, are you drinking plenty of water?
   — Gayelene

April 9, 2007
Try some caffeine with your tylenol... coffee, tea, pill, soda, whatever. There are several over the counter and Rx headache medications that include caffeine. I'm not sure why or how it works, but it does.
   — mrsidknee

April 9, 2007
Thanks so much for all the advice! I took several of ya'll suggestions, and only a slight hint of a headache remains. I increased my water, put an icepack on my neck and took the full dose of tylenol. I don't think caffeine is the problem, becaue I have coffee every morning. I truly believe it's my nerves, because I've also had diarrea today.
   — Skygirl

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