I was wondering if anyone experienced this after haveing a fill from the LapBand

A week ago I rec'd my 4th fill so the Band is getting tighter but I cannot keep any meat down it feels like its stuck and I have what feels like a bubble in my back and severe chest pain I called the Barix's Clinic she told me that possibly something is stuck and to get meat tenderizor and mix it with water to try and break it up? I did that but it really doesnt feel any different and I havent ate any meat What I'm curious about is possibly is this a sign of Band Slippage or Maybe too much fluid? If someone has gone thru this I would love to hear what your outcome was my Surgery was on 9-7-07? I don't like this feeling it really sucks!!!!!    — AngelKay34 (posted on January 25, 2008)

January 25, 2008
hi -- my first thought is that you are not chewing enough --you should chew all food until it is the consistency of applesauce in your mouth --you should be eating real slow and chewing chewing chewing -- it's going to feel like you are chewing until your jaw falls off -- good luck
   — RCassety

January 25, 2008
Ditto on the chewing. Also- I find I just can't chew certain things well enough- beef for example- so I don't have it. Also sometimes it depends who you're eating with- if you are anxious or angry about anything nothing goes down right. Hope this helps- Marlayna
   — MWiley

January 25, 2008
I did have something similar actually 2 weeks ago after my last fill. It was with even oatmeal. I wasn't too worried because I could still get fluids down and if you can get fluids down then your band probably did not slip. Just a bit tight. I just stayed on liquids for a day or two and anything I did eat (which I found to be salad) I had to eat extremely slow to make sure it didn't get stuck and now it is not as tight. If you think you are way too tight you should go get an small unfill. I haven't had to do that yet but I would have if it didn't get better. Try only liquids for a day or two because if you did/do have something stuck you will be swollen once it is through and it won't get any better unless you let the swelling go down. Hope this helps a little anyway. Good luck!! Lisa
   — degweiser

January 26, 2008
Try Papaya enzyme, they are chewable and work well. I have never needed to try the meat tenderizer.
   — Donna O.

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