Hair Loss

It has been four months and I have start losing my hair. When does it stop? Is there something I can do to make it stop.    — Arnice (posted on April 12, 2008)

April 12, 2008
I'm right there will you, everytime I take a shower it looks like a squirel has tried to escape down my drain. Keep your protein up! It will undoubtedly help. Along with the protein I also take one biotin capsule daily, I open it up and sprinkle it in an ounce cup along with my calcium and just eat it. No test to speak of. The biotin is available just about anywhere vitamin suppliments can be purchased. I just pop into Walmart and pick them up. Good Luck, Leslie
   — LuvNSummer

April 12, 2008
I know that people in my support group that have not had 70 to 80 grams of protien each day complain of the same problem. It is more of a thinning, the a total loss, but try to get your protien levels up. It helps to chart your food consumption by volum and weight to insure that you have what you need each day. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

April 12, 2008
I had the same problem, increase your protein, add a supplement of the amino acid L-cysteine, add zinc, add biotin, use Nioxin shampoo, and rogaine.
   — Melinda B.

April 12, 2008
I know this seems just too simple of an answer but it worked for me. I cut my hair short. I had shoulder length hair when I started this journey and I was losing quite a bit daily. I then explained to my hair dresser what was happening and asked her for a shorter cut, she cut it up to my neck almost to my jaw line, but not that short. It was been exactly what I needed. The hair loss has slowed dramatically. Good luck.
   — losingit4life2

April 13, 2008
protein protein protein -- human hair is made of protein --there is no magic pill -- yet ppl will tell you there is -- losing your hair could be from the anesthesia or from the lack of protein in your diet -- make sure you are taking all the vitamins that your surgeon recommends -- it takes about 3-6 months after surgery for you to notice hairloss due to anesthesia -- and then again there are some ppl who never lose their hair -- up your protein intake and get in all your water -- it grows back -- you will be fine -- just a little bump in the road -- i didn't lose my hair due to surgery -- but i have lost my hair before due to medical treatments -- it came back :) good luck roberta
   — RCassety

April 13, 2008
just hold on and go for the ride. It will stop.
   — obx100

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