Just had a fill. And I am a tab bit tight....

Will the band loosen up on its own. I only need @ 1/4 removed and I think everything will be find. Have anyone ever experienced this type of problem before, if so what did you do? And how long or what did you do for it to loosen up.    — kywade (posted on April 22, 2009)

April 22, 2009
I've only had the band since 2/19 and had two fills,(4cc in a 15cc band) this last fill I thought was too tight at first but it's been a week and I am better with it now. I would assume with each new fill I will have this similar time period to mentally adjust to it. If you are able to comsume your needed liquids and nothing is coming up, I would test it out for a day once you're on solids and decide then.(total of 3 days-1, liquid-1, soft food-1 solids) Best of luck!
   — Xavier G.

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