weight gain

I heard that right after your surgery when you get home you will gain weight before you start to lose. I heard it was because of all the fluids they put in you. Anyone experience this?    — cuppaloopy (posted on September 26, 2009)

September 26, 2009
Yes this happened to me and im sure everyone else on this site but its not real weight just water weight and mostly bloating from all the carbon dioxide they pumped into you to inflate you. But dont worry because its all worth it and after the rain comes the sunshine and you will start to feel better and on your feet in no time. I had the worst ways when i came home and every minute i thought what a huge mistake i made. But hold strong and the weight will start falling like crazy so fast so that you will not know what to do lol. I went out and bought a bunch of new clothes about a month or so ago and nothing fits anymore lol. Btw I had rny bypass on 4/20/09 and went from 420 to about 290 so far so dont worry and keep doing what your doing.
   — JaVin70

September 26, 2009
Happened to me also. Very scary to come home from the hospital to see I had gained 6 pounds!!! I guess no one warned me about this, but at least you aware. Good Luck,
   — ToniLee

September 26, 2009
This is why I do not weigh myself all the time. When I came home from the hospital, I think I lost 3 lbs then I weighed the next day and I stayed the same. I was becoming obsessive with it, so now I weigh every two weeks. I had my surgery 08-13-09 and so far I have lost 40lbs.
   — FSUMom

September 26, 2009
Yes, I experienced this as well. When I arrived at the hospital on my surgery day, they weighed me as part of the pre-op preparations. That night when I was in my hospital room and they had me up for my first walk, they had me stand on a scale and low and behold I had gained 10 pounds. Yes ten!!! I remember laughing and saying that I thought the purpose of this surgery was to experience weight Don't worry about it when it happens, it is all part of the package...the end result is worth it all.
   — Linda R.

September 27, 2009
I did not experience that, but have been around a while to see it s quite common to gain a little at first...It's not much but can be discouraging...I've seen people flip right out! But it's short lived and they are always very relieved!
   — .Anita R.

September 28, 2009
Oh thank God! I am 5 days post op and I weighed myself for the first time yesterday(day 4 post op) and I was the same as my day of surgery. I then weighed myself this morning and VOILA...I magically seem to have gained 2.2 lbs! Lets just say I am following the post op instructions to the letter, and actually moving more than expected (3-4 10min walks per day) so this came as a huge shock. I did call my nurse line and they said, "while not typical, this can happen" yay for me.
   — snowflower

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