Trouble NOT being able to vomit after surgery?

Has anybody had trouble NOT being able to vomit after surgery?    — Omee_2009 (posted on July 19, 2010)

July 19, 2010
Uhhh... What? Is there some reason you WANT to vomit? If it's a matter of trying to relieve the pressure of overeating, the better solution is to not overeat.
   — Brandy K.

July 19, 2010
I have to say that is an issue with me. I picked up a stomach virus and I wished I could have just vomited. I guess there just wasn't anything there to bring up. I know I would have felt better if I could. I am 3 years out and I guess that's gonna be a side effect.
   — Debbi S.

July 19, 2010
I agree with brandy. If you're doing what you are supposed to after surgery you shouldn't be vomitting. Are you bulemic?
   — Muggs

July 19, 2010
Yes! I also had some kind of flu/virus and it felt like I needed to vomit - was so uncomfortable that I actually did have to put my finger down my throat to get it to come up - but my doctor said it is because the stomach is so small and you don't have as much of the gastric juices in there to make it "wetter", so it doesn't come up as easy. Actually (I know - TMI!), it was kind of like what it looks like when a cat coughs up a hairball - the shape of the esophagus - like a long tube! Do not want to do that again if I don't have to!
   — Wendy M.

July 19, 2010
Hi Omee, Like you I have not vomited since my RNY. Going on 5 years in August. I don't miss it and have not had a time when I felt the need. Why is this a concern for you? Can you share this? Best, Ray
   — Arl3rd

July 20, 2010
I have not been able to vomit either. It's rough when you have a stomach virus and feel like you need to expel. I am a bit disappointed that a few people immediately assumed that you are overeating or are bulimic. This is supposed to be a site for support. We can go anywhere to get beat up for our decisions. stone throwing.
   — Ladysmilesmuch

July 20, 2010
Wendy was absolutely right...I have had the VSG and the stomach is so small that is almost impossible to vomit. I have had certain medicines make me very sick to my stomach and could not do anything but dry heaves. Not much muscle left there to regurgitate food. Let's all try to support one another...these things happen, and if they haven't, they probably will at some time. You are not alone out there sister and it's not because you have done anything wrong. Keep up the good work!
   — Bonnie H.

July 20, 2010
NO! I'm not trying to vomit ,its that I've been sick lately and was not able to vomit when I felt the need. Was just wondering if this happened to other people. Thanks to the people who had good advice and to the theirs,Like they say if you have nothing nice to say than you shouldn't say anything!!!
   — Omee_2009

July 20, 2010
Hi Omee :) I apologize on behalf of the people who may have seemed rude or crass. I think most people don't have any problem vomiting (I'm like you - I can't vomit). So, perhaps they were just being off-the-cuff and saying we're lucky we can't :) I know how you feel though. I haven't over-eaten, and in fact, over-eating isn't the only cause of vomiting. Sometimes we vomit because something doesn't sit right or isn't cooked correctly and wants to come back out. It's those times that I wish I could vomit. Also, being sick with a flu bug makes you wish you could, too. Don't worry. You clearly aren't the only person with this "issue." Good luck to you, friend! :)
   — spitfire0379

July 20, 2010

   — [Deactivated Member]

July 21, 2010
I can no longer vomit either even though I have tried a few foods that made me feel like I could.I had my RNY Feb 18 I tried eating a small bite of canaloupe and that was the only thing that actually made me literally vomit,I am not sure if it wasn't chewed well or what but I am still learning on what I can and cannot eat.
   — davonjack

July 25, 2010
Hi Omee. I am 10 years post-op RNY and I have a hard time with the whole vomiting thing too. Now there have been times when something wouldn't agree with my pouch and I would get nauseated and wish I could get it up. Then there have been times where I have had a stomach bug and/or sick with a migraine and my body goes nuts! I "go through the motions" of vomiting in that my mouth waters and I dry heave a lot. There have been one or two times where bile actually came up but that was when I was deathly sick. I have busted blood vessels in my face from the dry heaving. Vomiting would have been a relief! Since I have very frequent migraines I now keep a stock of 50mg Phenergan suppositories from my neurologist. They have been a lifesaver! I hope this helps and I'm sorry you got hit with the rude, judgemental answers. Good for you for standing your ground and setting the record straight, not that you should have to.
   — Kellye C.

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