Does Clomid have a problem absorbing after Gastric Bypass?

I had RNY about 6 yrs. ago and about 6 months ago I had a really bad urge to have another child (have 15 yr. old daughter). I am 42 yrs. old and just had 1st round of Clomid 50mg and my Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor says low (no ovulating). So I am thinking that the Clomid didn't absorb maybe or it wasn't strong enough. Does anyone have any idea if I should be taking more or taking it a different way (heard about maybe crushing it?). Any help is appreciated because I am getting real sad as the months go by. Oh I also should add that I have been on the Depo shot for 7 yrs. but last one was in Aug. 2010. HELP!!! Thank you.    — nygiantsfan1969 (posted on March 25, 2011)

March 26, 2011
I don't know the answer, but I am very interested in this topic if someone does!
   — Jessica K.

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