i had the gastric bypass in 01/2005 and i gained 40lbs back im thinking of the revisi

   — [Deactivated Member] (posted on May 19, 2011)

May 19, 2011
How many pounds did you lose? Are you on medication that could have caused a weight gain or are you eating the wrong foods? I've gained 20 since reaching my lowest but I think the Paxil may have something to do with it. That and the long, depressing winter. Spring is here so I'm back in the mood to move and lose. Do you need a jump start? By the way, thinking of the rivisi? Not sure what that means. Debbie
   — Debbie N.

May 19, 2011
I think she means a revision. I have heard it is pretty common to gain about 30 back, maybe just get back to the basics? Even with the revision you will have to get back to clean eating. Protien first and all that jazz but definately look into it if thats what you feel you need. Good Luck
   — _Karen

May 24, 2011
Have you tried the five day pouch test?
   — 1234567890

June 4, 2011
The only reason I can see you getting a revision is because you regained your weight. Are you doing Protein Shakes?? If So stop!!! Never touch another one for starters! Protein shakes was invented for Body Builders to Bulk up faster. With this surgery everyone got on the band wagon. Drink Protein! But like I said you will Bulk up and this is the reason so many have gained most if not all there weight back!! I am almost 8 years out. I still weigh 130 LBS. I drank one shake. No more! My surgeon told me to eat because if you don't eat real food the surgery will not work. I know everyone is worried about getting their 45 grams of protein a day. But forget that for now. For you to get the weight off you need to eat every 3 hours. Something small. A piece cheese, a piece fruit, 1/2 sandwich, drink lots water. Nothing but water or tea. No Sodas !! Sodas stretch your stomach! Just eat. Whatever you can tolerate for the first year! Once your weight is off then worry about getting more protein from food. Never from shakes! I'm sorry but I have seen this over and over and was told I would regain. But I have always eaten whatever I can tolerate every 3 hrs or so and a nice dinner. But small, small portions that add up to a cup of food per meal. Eat Girl!! Good luck. Just my opinion!!
   — Kimberly Ten Kate

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