How can I keep from going crazy before my surgery on September 18th?

Hello everyone, My surgery will be on September 18th and I am so happy but as time approches I feel more an more worried. These nerves are killing me I am very confident that all will go well but I keep for some strange reason keep dreaming that I am going to freak out with the anesthesia. Can anybody e-mail me and let me know how I can ease my nerves. Thanks Aida at [email protected]    — AIDA M. (posted on August 25, 2000)

August 25, 2000
Hi...Congratulations on your surgery date! That's terrific! *Smiles* Okay, here is just my own little advice to you...about your anxiety. Alot of people have reactions to anesthesia, but most people don't. I just sleep through everything. I had suffered along time with high anxiety, panic disorder, and even agoraphobia. I haven't had an anxiety attack in a long time, but..of course, I still get nervous. So, here is a little breathing exercise that will help, okay? (Take a deep breath, inhale as much air as you can hold...and hold it for a count of 5 Mississippi's, then let it go, and...I mean all the way ~ exhale as much as you can, and hold it for a count of 5 Mississippi's. Do this while sitting down, okay? Because you might get a little too relaxed the first couple of times you do this...and, I don't want you to fall or anything, okay) The Mississippi's are because that is where I am originally from. The exercise was taught to me by a psychologist who was helping me go through an awful withdrawal from Klonopin (anti-convulsant). Also, I had another doctor tell me, breathing into a paper bag (like when you hyperventilate) is really good, because you breathe in the carbon dioxide..and..hmm...well, it relaxes you. That's why people do it, gee..I had never thought 'bout that, but...oh well. *giggles* Anyway, I hoped I helped some. If the breathing techniques don't work, talk to your doctor for reassurance and he/she might want to give you something to relax you in the meantime, who knows? Take care and Peace in Christ~Terri
   — Terri G.

August 25, 2000
Aida, I just got off the phone with my Dr's office on the same subject, I tend to panic before surgery and I have just scheduled my post-op. the nurse told me to discuss this with the DR and he will give me something to ease my nerves. I always have to have it at the onset of surgery so they put something in my IV as soon as they start it and it works like a breeze. Good luck girl and I hope I am having mine about the same time as you
   —  emma lavonne G.

August 25, 2000
Hi Aida, and congrats on your upcoming surgery. You will be so glad you did it, I am sure! About 6 weeks before surgery, I started walking on my treadmill. Now, I couldn't go too long or go too fast, but I slowly increased both until the day before surgery and I had actually lost a few pounds! Plus, my heart and lungs were in better shape for the surgery. It was amazing how this surgery motivated me to exercise everyday, but the fat couldn't motivate me. Try something like this and it should help. And remember, you are normal - we all felt the same way.
   — Cindy H.

August 25, 2000
hi I also have phobia about going to sleep, because i did have a bad reaction to this, so here is my advise if you are so afraid tell the dr, and ask him to do a special blood test to make sure you have no allergies to antistetica (sp) this can be done, i know i feel better when this is done! kimmy g
   — kimberly G.

August 25, 2000
Hi there, I am preop and have surgery scheduled for 8/30. Apparently they will give you a sedative if you are feeling too "Anxious" about the surgery, this will help you calm down before they put you under the anesthesia.
   — Jeanine F.

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