Am I worried for no reason- scared of pre-op tests

I am scheduled for RNY on Aughust 22. I have had my consultation and the insurance approved without any hitches but I am all of a sudden scared stiff about the pre op tests. I am so afraid that I have let myself get excited about my new life and somehow something will show up in the pre op testing that will keep me forever from having the surgery. Heart problems or something. I am so addicted to this sight and I knew if anybody could help me you guys and gals could. Thanks for being there !!    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 15, 2001)

July 14, 2001
If you are in reasonably good health... and your surgeon knows about any health co morbidities... there is nothing to worry about. The tests are simple and cover basic functions, you have probably had almost all of them done before. Get excited about your surgery and new life... it will come to pass!
   — SusanMaria

July 15, 2001
I know exactly how you feel. I just posted this question a few weeks ago. I went for my Pre admission testing on Thursday July 12th. I could not believe how quickly it all went. Now I am worried that my labs will show some deficiency or elevated white blood count or something like that and my surgery for July 20th will be cancelled or something. All I can do is pray that everything will work out. I think what we are doing is preparing ourselves for the worst so if something does happen we won't be too shocked or disappointed. However, nothing would prepare me for a cancellation. Just try to think the best and be positive.
   — Dawn H.

July 15, 2001
I know how you feel. I went through all the preop stuff the day before my surgery. I got on the operating table the next morning and was told by the anestisiologist (sp?) that there was something he didn't like on my EKG. I was taken to the recovery room and sat there from 8:00 am, had a Echocardiogram and another EKG which came out fine, and was finally told that the surgery was cancelled for that day at 4:00pm, and I would have to reschedule. I am glad that my surgeon cared enough not to operate when he had been in surgery all day. But to say the least I was very disapointed.
   — JazzBear111

July 15, 2001
i was scheduled to have my pre-op testing on monday, july 2. which i did. while i was there, i overheard that my doctor was sick. so i was told to reschedule my doctor's appointment, which i was suppose to see him the same day as my tests. when i did call to reschedule, i was told he was closing his office. great!!! i am schedule for surgery july 20th. so the btc found another surgeon. then the day after my tests, i found out my ekg came back abnormal, and couldnt have my surgery until i was cleared. so i had to find, quickly a heart doctor. i went to see him, had to have a stress test, and all the time i am on pins and needles, just knowing i wasnt going to pass. but by the grace of god, i did. so, hopefully i have only 4 more days until my surgery and nothing else will pop up that will stop me. so this is the reason were all afraid something is going to go wrong when we have these tests. good luck, and im sure everything will turn out all right, just like it did for me.
   — sharon C.

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