I am waiting for surgery date.I am also taking Estrogens - Premarin 0.625mg - 1aday

I called the the Dr. office of Doctor that is to do WLS. Doctor was not in.. I feel I shound stop taking... just because of blood clotting factor... What i don't know it when to stop and when to start back on them. I have read --- some say 6 weeks off - and wait a month after atother says 1 week before - 2 weeks after... if your doctor told you ... Please share info as I would like to be sure and be the right thing ( I have been on sence 1988) Deborah mcneal    — Deborah M. (posted on August 29, 2001)

August 29, 2001
I am on Estrace. I am scheduled for surgery at Forest Hill, Ypsilanti, MI. Per paperwork given out from Forest Hill, you are supposed to stop taking estrogen replacements two weeks prior to your surgery.
   — [Anonymous]

August 29, 2001
I am on hormone replacement therapy that is compounded specifically for me, and it is more natural then the ones you get from a regular pharmacy.Mine is made by College pharmacy. Nothing was ever mentioned to me about getting off the hormones prior to surgery.My pre-op paperwork does not say anything at all about it either. I will have to ask the surgeon or the endo doc when I go for my pre-op testing.When I am off the hormones I feel awful after about a week.I usually get heart palps, hot flashes and diarrhea when I stop I don't plan on stopping them unless they consider it life threatening.
   — garyzgurl

August 29, 2001
I've been taking Premarin for five years. I had my OpenVBG on June 11th and nothing was ever mentioned about stopping it. I took it every day, except for the very day of my surgery (because of "nothing by mouth"). I had no post-op problems at all!! (and - in the 12 weeks since - have lost 71 lbs!!)
   — Cathy J.

August 29, 2001
I am on HRT. When I went for my consult with the surgeon, I asked him about taking my Estrdiol. He advised me to talk to my pcp about getting the patch to use during surgery and just after. I have pretty bad spells of hot flashes and the hormones help but do not keep them from occuring. Hope this helps.
   — Jackie E.

August 29, 2001
I was taken off my Premarin .625 7 weeks before surgery, mine is Oct. 1st. I was told there is a higher risk of pulmonary embolism during surgery. I am having a problem with tears and mood swings but I would rather have those then the complications supposedly caused by the meds. My husband is using my mood swings as an excuse to spend more time on the golf course. Good luck Jodi
   — Jodi H.

August 29, 2001
Just ask your doctor to be safe. I continued taking my premarin before and up to surgery, and right after, with no problems.
   — Kristy J.

September 3, 2001
I'm scheduled for RNY-open Oct. 10th. My surgeon has me off estrogen 3 weeks prior to surgery. My PCP told me not to stop abruptly, but take the pill every other day during the 4th week prior surgery.
   — Gail J.

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