Has anyone been able to have lap rny after having c-section because of scar

tissue from previous surgeries?    — PAULA B. (posted on April 27, 2002)

April 27, 2002
Yes. I have had 2 C-sections and my gallbladder removed. Dr. Gomez said that he wasn't sure if he could do a lap because of scare tissue, but I was able to have a lap and infact he said that I made medical history. My total Lap RNY surgery time was only 1 Hr and 15 mins. Praise God. Good luck with your surgery. JP, Evansville, IN
   — Janet P.

April 27, 2002
Hi Paula, I also have had 2 c-sections and my Gall Bladder, plus a total Hyst. And I am having a Lap RNY this comming monday morning. Hope this helps. God Bless, Kim Cole
   — Kim C.

April 27, 2002
I had 2 C-sections and an abdominal hysterectomy, all with long vertical incisions. In addition, I had a "traditional" gall bladder surgery with a 7" diagonal incision under my right ribcage. My lap RNY was completely uneventful despite significant adhesions (scar tissue) from the gallbladder surgery, and the operating time was 1 hour 10 minutes. Best wishes to you!
   — Diana T.

April 27, 2002
Hi Paula, Yes, I had a c-section in '81 with a horizontal scar right above the hair line. I just had lap rny in November '01 w/o any problems. My surgeon said the only problem that he may have to do open is if I have too much scar tissue from the c-section. I desperately wanted lap, couldn't stand the thoughts of being cut open and it all worked out. I hope and will pray that you have the same success. P/S Also, I didn't have much time off work and the open is a longer recovery process, so I was really glad I was able to have the lap and was ready to go back to work after two weeks.
   — blank first name B.

April 28, 2002
I had two c-sections, and a complete abdominal hysterectomy. I've got two bikini cut scars and one from the belly button down. I had my Lap RNY 2/21/02 with no problem whatsoever! Hope this helps!
   — Michelle B.

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