Anyone going through NEWEIGH in Houston, TX?

I have been going through NEWEIGH since July 2002 to try to get my insurance to approve me. I've been denied several times and it seems that I have a hard time getting answers from anyone at NEWEIGH. I leave messages and they do not call me back. This is through I.A.G- the group that handles the insurance.... any suggestions? I do not want to seem like I am a pain, but a call back would be nice...    — pamela1 (posted on January 23, 2003)

January 23, 2003
Hi, When I first started looking for surgeon I contacted them first by email and then by phone to try to get info and an appointment,never heard back from them.
   — Lisa F.

January 23, 2003
Don't worry about being a pain! If you want results you have to fight for them. You know what they say about the squeeky wheel getting the oil! Good luck and remember it's worth the fight in the end!
   — Robin J.

January 23, 2003
Not too happy with Neweigh, although I still go thru them to schedule my post-op visits with Dr. Ferrari. You might want to try directly with the surgeons office - they are only contracted thru Neweigh. Dr. Ferrari has an office up on the North Loop, phone is 713-864-5487. I don't know if the other docs have their own offices. Or you might want to try some of the other surgeons in the Houston area. Go to Find a Doc at the top of the page. Six months is way too long to wait, in my opinion. Good Luck!
   — Ali M

January 24, 2003
I went through NeWeigh also but I have had a really great experience with them. There offices moved about 2 weeks ago, so this may have added to the problem, but I always spoke with Leigh. She was always able to pull my file right up and give me the status. The best times to reach her is in the mornings because they have appointments all afternoon long. My suggestion would be to call right at 9:00 am when they open. Also, I'm not sure who your doctor is but I just loved Dr. Alanis. Good Luck and hope this helps.
   — Cheryl H.

January 25, 2003
I am going through them and have had good luck so far. I haven't had any problems with my insurance though. Good luck - keep calling until you get to talk to John. He is in their insurance department. I left Lisa a message 2 days ago around quitting time and she called back the next day. Good luck and God Bless.
   — Sandy T.

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