where can i purchase videos about wls showing procedures performed?

   — PATRICE T. (posted on September 23, 2003)

September 23, 2003
before i had the surgery i wanted to be informed as much as possible. i studied about the surgery for 3 years and my doctor drew many many picture for me. i knew what was going to happen. i am one month postop and last week was the first time i watched a video online doing the bypass. i can say if i would have watched that video before i had the surgery i would have NEVER had the surgery. i've had to children natural and had 3 other surgeries so i'm not a chicken, but this was just toooooo much to watch.
   — franbvan

September 23, 2003
I didn't want to scare myself too bad, although I did go to and read up on carnie wilson and pam wilson, then watched a lap rny that was taped around and with carnie wilson's wls. That was enough to satisfy me, I just look and read prfiles right here. Patricia open rny 9-30-03 314/290?
   — pateblkbrn

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