
I had surgery on 7/1/03 and my energy level varies, but it is usually very high. I have 3 kids, 2 dogs, 1 bird and 1 tubby husband who sells Ding Dongs for a living and is on the Atkins diet!! UGH!! I also work in a cafeteria that serves 900 middle school kids(one of mine, too) 27 hours a week. I feel like I am going nuts trying to manage IT all! Even my co-workers and manager is "worried" about me. I started this job new in August. I have worked and managed kitchens all my life since 15. That was also the last time I was a normal weight, too. I am questionning my sanity and job choice. I am good at it, just it is weird, now. I was even told by my 2 upper bosses that I could take 6 weeks off w/o pay and "get it together" if I needed too. They want me to stay there for a long time and it can be covered for 6 weeks. I said that I will be fine, and I have so far. Does anyone out there work with food and how do you cope? 7/01/03 289/191/? Have pics on profile.    — VERONICA B. (posted on November 26, 2003)

November 25, 2003
Hello, I also had my surgery the same day 07/01/03. Even though I do not work with food, I woke up this morning thinking I too was going a little nuts and wondered if there was a way to word it in this forum. The first post I read was yours,fate,maybe. I have a husband and three children, work retail and it is Christmas. My stress level is very high. Since we are both feeling it at the same time in our journey maybe it is just another step we must go though. Food seems to be a major issue for me right now and I feel if I worked with food I would be having more difficulties. Please email me if you would like to have someone to talk open with, I know i could use someone to talk to. My email address is [email protected]. Hope to hear from you. Deb
   — Debra W.

November 25, 2003
While I do not work with food as much as you, I do teach a double session of preschoolers and give them a daily snack. (so that is twice for me). I sit at the table with them and a tray of goodies in front of me and pass out the food as they request. (many have sppech problems so this way encourages them to talk) Even yesterday we had a birthday party complete with cake and icecream. I wish I could give you more advice, but what I found works for me is to bring my water with me to the table. I drink, while they eat. Since we can't eat and drink at the same time, it works for me.
   — Heather M.

November 25, 2003
I work for a French company and I bring in catered lunches to my upper level executives about 3 days a week. The other secretaries here do as well. The food is CONSTANT on my floor and we even have a kitchen where they leave the leftovers (of which there are MANY) each day. And sometimes I DO feel like I'm going nuts. I just finally decided that I'd made a decision to "take the road less traveled." That is from a poem. The next line is "and that has made all the difference." I saw your picture and you are young and vibrant looking in your "after" photo. Yes, for those of us surrounded by food we have made a choice. For me, gaining my health and happiness back HAS made all the difference. I dwell on that rather than all this food now and bring my own lunch to work so I always have "my" food here.
   — Margaret G.

November 26, 2003
I don't work with food, but work in a high school as a secretary (I'm 2 mos post-RNY). There are constant "goodies" here. Someone's always bringing bread (so far hasn't bothered me), cookies (bothers me), nut breads (so-so), and today we celebrated 2 birthdays of co-workers and of course there was sheet cake with sugary, creamy icing. I ate a very small sliver. I can see this is going to be a major challenge for me. Most food doesn't bother me, and I don't dump (at least not yet). I can certainly understand how your working with food would make you "nuts." I guess the best any of us can do is just take it "one day at a time," my favorite motto since beginning my WLS journey in August 2002. You have my support, believe me.
   — Carlita

November 26, 2003
i know this sounds very corny and lame but it's the best i got to offer :) lol. when know i will be around alot of food i have to think of the "food" differently. i think of it as fuel for the body, i say it over and over in my mine..this is only fuel. it kinda of helps me not to think about eating it. i would go nuts if i just thought about what food i am missing out on eating. i really have to make the effort to not be sad over what i can't eat. i tell myself...sure this "fuel" looks good, but it got me fat and i have already lost so much weight so i don't want to mess it up. try really hard NOT to think about what you can't eat(this will make you crazy and depressed) and try to remember why you choose NOT to eat it. sometimes a spit second of healthy thinking can get rid of the food head-craving. you will always be around food for the rest of your life so this is something you must learn to cope with, if not you could regain your weight. if others around you think you need help, maybe it's a good idea to get it. getting the help can only make things easier. best of luck to you
   — franbvan

November 26, 2003
ORIGINAL POSTER HERE*** I am in counseling. It does help. I can only imagine my life without it. LOL My therapist had WLS over 10 years ago. She has been very successful and "knows" my path. She has 3 kids. They are my age. Thank you all for being there for me. Thank you, Veronica

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