What have you heard of 5-HTP? (5-HYDROXYTRYPTOPHAN)

I know of several individuals on here who are taking this along with Adipex, and some that have reached their goal as well and are no longer taking it. Some time ago, I said I would NOT revert back to taking appetite suppressants since I had my experience with them before. However, I did not receive the counseling I've had recently, nor behavior modification which is, well, going better than before. Along with the "surgical tool" I've been privileged to have, I'm trying to learn better way to eat and what triggers these monstrous cravings for sugar, etc. Since then, I've gone through the Library on this website along with consulting with various professional organizations including: and found out that there are various forms of phentermine (eg. Adipex,Fastin, Bontril,Ionamin, etc) that are approved...EVEN by bariatric physicians who are BOARD CERTIFIED in ALL STATES that use them therapeutically in conjunction with the WLS's we've had. Some surgeons too, they just won't tell, to curb appetites and reduce cravings for sugar. Yes, I dump, not as much, but I'm considering talking to my doc about this within the next 2 or 3 months. Exercise, "upping the water, protein, protein, protein, ...I've just about had it. Oh, let's not forget no carbs. Well, There are good carbs and there are bad ones...and to simply no do carbs at all is ridiculous! We NEED the good carbs as fuel. Protein too! The water is the key. I LOVE WARM BREAD!!! OMG~Home made rolls with butter "oozing" through 'n through, BUT I know what this will do for me. Need I say more? I have *grazed*, and had the Caramel Praline Late (yummy) and I told you before, I couldn't stand to look in the mirror too much before. I'm doing better, but want to get back to where I was (at least 132 lbs). I have 3 closets of clothes that I REFUSE to get rid of! And I'm not going to keep picking up "big clothes" to hide, what has returned. Thankfully, I've taken a lot of advice for which I'm grateful for...I'm being honest here and looking forward to ALL of the help I can get once a couple other issues have been dealt with. What truly amazes me though, is how some of US don't have the boldness or perhaps I should say avoid being honest (To Thine Ownself Be True) that speak against the use of certain appetite suppressants. I believe as long as your private physician prescribes or is knowledgeable of your use (for short-term), I see nothing wrong with tem. Actually 5-HTP is an amino acid and can be used for weight loss, depression, and several other conditions. It's better though, to have "our" doctor to prescribe them since he/she knows "our" medical health history. I do agree, though, with some of the other posts from a few years ago, that they can be addictive IF not properly used. I KNOW my doc wouldn't let me stay on ANY of them for the long term, but just so all of you know, I WILL be considering them. Just curious if you heard anything about this. Oh, and PLEASE, do not attack me, if you have *flaming* responses/comments, just pass my post and (again please, don't take this the wrong way) just keep it to yourself. I'm not asking for your approval, just interested in what you heard about 5-HTP. I have researched the advantages and the disadvantages, and can provide the sources upon request. Oh well, enuff ramblin'...feel free to email me personally if you've been there, and would prefer to keep it confidential ONLY if you want. Thanks! PROXIMAL LAP RNY 9/3/02 5'2" 265/177/115-126 Hadiyah, a.k.a~~~    — yourdivaness (posted on December 13, 2005)

December 13, 2005
Hi, I haven't heard of this before. Is it prescription? I think many of us who have gained weight have all thought about using other "aids" in losing weight. With our absorption issue, I wonder just how affective these aids really are with us. Most of them are hard shell capsules. I'd like to know myself.
   — shoutjoy

December 13, 2005
All I can say is from experience related to Fasting, be careful it increases your blood pressure even when your losing weight. I did the fasting for 5 months lost 50lbs more of my post baby weight loss. I didn't keep it off, when totally hormonal cause of the way I felt. Just make sure you realise what your getting yourself in it's related to Phenphine which kills folks making their body very unstable related to pulomary function.
   — Deborah Joyner

December 13, 2005
Hi Deborah! J! Thanks for responding to my post. This is in no way phenfen or any derivative thereof. It is in the Phentermine family, but comes from a plant. As such, any natural supplement used in excess or abusively, can cause medical complications. Sort of like some RNY's "eating through" the pain they have in thier pouch, allowing it to stretch. Same principle. I've heard (seen) so many posts here that say things like, "if it's too good to be true, it probably is". Well, UNLESS a person has been there, then I would venture to say, "don't knock it, 'til you try it". Additionally, what affects one individual a certain way, does will not always affect another the same way. WE ARE ALL different in our body chemistry and make up. I do appreciate your concern and, you are absolutely right, it can increase your blood pressure. As mentioned previously though, IF you are followed by a board certified bariatric physician, that specializes and collaborates with your primary care physician or private doctor, the bariatric physician is specially trained and REQUIRED to apply, reasearch and is examined EXTENSIVELY for his specialty. It's just like the bariatric surgery and types. Some surgeons (who are not board-certified in the specific surgeries in bariatrics, are jumping on the bandwagon and doing these surgeries. Check it out for yourselves. I, personally researched my surgeon(s) for about 2-3 years...ALL of their credentials, before I had my LAP RNY. SO, I don't present myself as an authority or a physician/professional made overnight as it appears some on here preport themselves to be, I just research and report it as it is. The good and the bad. It is entirely up to the this case, myself to decide, discuss the possibilities, risks, etc (just like the surgeries WE'VE had). With approval, I'm GOING FOR IT! I will not, I repeat NOT, see myself unhappy, andgoing through the physical pain I have with the results of weight gain...EVEN with exercise. I will not be fasting, I will be eating normally, with 'help' during the times the "craving sugar & bread demons" come to entice me. I, too work in the medical field, and have done so for over 22 years. I'm not a doctor, nurse or whatever, but I do have a little knowledge of some things. When I don't know, I ask questions and research. I'm not always pleased at what I find, but then, who is?
   — yourdivaness

December 13, 2005
Personally, I do not like taking any medicene that I can do without. As for carbs, we do need some. Even Atkins allows you to have some carbs! WE just cannot eat as many carbs as we used to eat. I'm with you on the fresh bread! Indulge occassionaly, but do not make a habit of it.
   — Novashannon

December 15, 2005
i have been pondering on taking phentermine myself. i had my surgery on 7/01 and i am stuck in a rut with my weight loss. total weight loss is 96 pounds. i too crave sweets/salty foods as well as carbs and i am so glad to see that i am not the only one who is having this issue. through my research on phentermine, 5htp is used to help with the seritonin fucnction properly in the brain. if you find out any more information on this can you let me know. i am planning on talking to my pcp about phentermine. i don't have a surgeon anymore to talk to as i stopped going to him with my near death experience after my surgery.
   — tracey M.

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