I have added stressin my life.

I was wondering what kind of things people have experienced with a lot of stress added to the equation? any extra problems with there wieght loss?    — amygirl (posted on March 13, 2006)

March 13, 2006
That's a tough one. It wasn't until I had the surgery that I realized how much I used food to cope. Since then, I've had one huge stress problem with a family illness that I was able to get through with using excersize and other things for stress relief. That said, I had another stress thing - marital, that left me eating more and putting on 10 lbs in a very short time (like a week) which I still can't shake. Stress does make things hard. It may contribute some to weight gain just due to cortisol, but it also depends how you approach stress and if eating is a major coping mechanism for you. For me it has been all my life. I don't have any particular advice because I KNOW "it's all easier said than done", but do try and do some soul searching and try and get help. See if you can find other outlets for stress... a hobby, walking, yoga, whatever ... or maybe get help and support from friends, support group. Whatever it is, food is NOT the answer. It's taken me literally DECADES to figure that out and I still struggle with it. Stay strong and get the support you need.
   — w8free

March 13, 2006
Amy, When I am really stressed I walk now. I realized I WAS an emotional eater prior to surgery. I eat small/tiny meals through out the day to keep my metabolism steady at high stress times. That way I don't get so famished (sp?) that I feel like I am going to pass out and I am less likely to grab foods that are not healthy for me. I journal how I am feeling and why. I also am a firm believer in prayer- give it to God. I am not sure if that is what you were asking but those are ways I cope through stressful times. God knows how stressful my life can be and I have gotten through it. E-mail me privately if you want to share more and I can share more too. I read your profile, you have done fabulous with weight loss. My prayers are with you and your family. Smiles, Jenna
   — jstatkus

March 15, 2006
you know i have stress in my life and i relized that i used to use food to get away and now i just go out and walk it away and try and find a way to relieve it or talk it out with that person that is causeing me stress . but walking is a good stress reliever i think . do some thing that is going to take your mind off it and relieve your want for food .
   — lizzie72

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